Second Year // Chapter 2

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"Ginny! Percy! Breakfast!" I shouted up the stairs while everyone else sat down and began to shovel food down their mouths. Percy shoved past me without even a good morning, while Ginny ran up and hugged me. 

"Mum said we should get our letters today! I'm excited!" She spoke still in her PJs. "By the way, Lori, have you seen my jumper?"

"No. Go ask Mum." I patted her on the back and followed her into the kitchen.

"Mummy. Have you seen my jumper?" She asked.

"Yes, dear. It was on the Cat." Mum replied quickly. Ginny grabbed my hand and froze up. I followed her gaze to Harry. Who must have noticed and waved his hand. 

"Hello!" Ginny didn't waste a second and ran up the stairs without saying a word. Harry looks at me and I sigh. 

"That was Ginny." 

"She's been talking about you all summer. Quite annoying actually." Ron added. I walked over and slapped his head as I sat down.

"And like your obsessing over Harry not answering the letters, wasn't?" 

"At least I didn't have a discussion with Mum and Dad about a bloody necklace!" Ron retorted. 

"RON! TH-" I was starting to argue but, a voice from the door cut me off. 

"Morning Weasley's!" 

"Morning Dad!" All of us kids called out as he walked into the kitchen. 

"What a night! Nine raids! Nine!" He said placing his work stuff by the door and hanging his cloak on a hook.

"Raids?" Harry asked. Ron answered him fairly quickly.

"Dad works at the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office." 

"The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts?" Harry questioned. 

"That's when wizards bewitch something to drive Muggles mad. Shrinking door keys, that kind of thing. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating." I replied. Harry nodded and we continued to eat our food. Dad sat down in his chair and did a double-take as he finally noticed Harry sitting there.

"Well now. Who are you?" Harry's eyes went wide for a moment before replying.

"Harry, sir. Harry Potter." 

"Blimey, are you really? Ron and Lori have told me all about you, of course. When did he get here?" Dad replied asking all of us. Mum however spun around from the stove and spoke sternly.

"This morning. Your sons and daughter flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night!" 

"Did you now. How'd it go?" Dad asked eagerly. All of us went quick to respond, but Mum just spoke loudly

"Arthur!" she said while smacking him on the shoulder. He suddenly came to the conclusion he acted the wrong way and turned to speak sternly to use, which failed miserably.

"I-I mean, that was very wrong, kids. Very wrong indeed." We all shared a chuckle before he turned back to Harry. "So, Harry. You must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

Harry was about to respond when we heard a hooting coming from outside. We all turned to see an owl flying towards the window. 

"Here comes Errol with the post!" I said getting up quickly to open the window. 

"Good. Maybe we finally will get our letters!" Fred said putting another spoonful of eggs into his mouth. 

"Well, at least he won't run into the-" I spoke too soon, for as soon as I sat down Errol ran right into the closed window. I placed my head in my hands as Mum spoke to Percy.

"Percy, fetch the mail, will you?"

Percy nodded and walked over to the window as Errol jumped up to the ledge and put the pile in his hands. I got back up from my chair and walked over to Errol and stroked his feathers. 

"It's our Hogwarts letters," Percy spoke roughly handing my letter to me. "They've sent Harry's as well." He walked back over to the table. As he handed out the rest of the letters, Dad commented.

"Dumbledore must know you're here, Harry. Doesn't miss a trick, that man." I chuckled as Errol jumped up onto my shoulder as I sat back down at the table. 

"This lot won't come cheap, Mum," Fred said reading his letter. "The spellbooks alone ..." Mum sighed looking over his shoulder and patted him. 

"We'll manage." She smiled. "Right then, there is only one place to get all of this."

"Diagon Alley!" All of us kids chorused together. We quickly finished our breakfasts and headed upstairs to get our cloaks. Once Ginny and I enter our room she slammed the door shut. 

"Lori! Help. ME!" She said still in a whisper. 

"Gin? What's wrong?" I said with concern. "You're no sick, are you?"

"No, Lori, that is Harry freaking Potter!" She said falling onto her bed. 

"Yeah, so?" I said. "He's literally an almost exact carbon copy of Ron, except with a traumatic past and different hair," I said. I loved Harry, he was a sweet kid, but I would never in a million years consider him anything more than my brother's best friend. 

"HE'S CUTE!" Ginny squealed. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

"You're too young, to be considering boys cute." I walked over and kissed her head. "Besides, Ron would rather have you end up dating Draco Malfoy before you start dating Harry."

"Oh, to heck with Ron!" She said folding her arms.

"There's my feisty little sister." I laughed giving her a little squeeze. "Now, let's go down and join the others. We don't want to miss Diagon Alley. We rushed downstairs and joined the rest of the family in the living room. 

"You first, Harry dear," Mum said holding a flower pot out in front of him. Harry sends a very confused look to Ron. Ron and I spoke in unison.

"Harry's never traveled by floor powder before, Mum." She frowned before turning to Percy.

"Percy. Would you mind going first, to show Harry how it's done?"

"Certainly, Mother." He replied puffing out his chest.

"Glad to see he is still the same Percy from last year," Harry muttered under his breath. I snickered which earned a small glare from Percy. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"Diagon Alley!" He threw the powder down at the ground and bright green flames erupted around him. Before you could even blink, he was gone. Harry stared at the now-empty fireplace, his eyes having some sort of fear inside them. Mum rushed forwards and pushed him towards the fireplace. He grabbed a small bit of powder and walked in.

"Now remember to speak VERY clearly, dear."

Harry nodded. However, his nerves must have gotten the better of him, for as he spoke ... well ...


"What did he say?" Mum asked. Dad sighed.


I shook my head and looked towards Ron who had the same thought. Where did Harry end up? and Was he okay?

Through All the Pain  // N. LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now