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Draco's Pov

Being around him made me have this constant feeling of sickness and anxiety.

I hadn't seen my father since the night he came to the castle and beat me- to make me hurry up with the cabinet.

But it's like every-time I saw him, my fear only escalated.

He stood there all smug, knowing damn well his own son was petrified of him.

He enjoyed it.

He swaggered over to me, resting his cane on my shoulder as he looked down at me- displeased.

"She's your new fling, I see? you seem awfully close to her.. what happened to Pansy- I always rather liked that girl", He grunted rudely.

"Pansy meant nothing to me, It's different with Alexis...

"Alexis eh? well is she different than the other one hundred girls you've fucked about with?", He laughed cruelly.

"It's not like that with her, I'm in l-

"Don't be stupid! don't even say you're in love with that stupid mudblood".

"It's not stupid, I'm in love with her and I want to spend my life with her- you just wouldn't know what love feels like, you and mother are a fraud".

"A fraud, you say?".

"Yes, you're only together for the sake of blood purity- I'm not stupid, you both just wanted another pure blood in the world and that's what you got".

"Smart boy, aren't we?".

I didn't even rise to him, I knew he was purely mocking me.

"Well enough nonsense, we've got stuff to do- we're on a schedule and I don't need you fucking it up like you do with everything else", He snotted as he grabbed me by the ear- dragging me along as he walked.

I tried worming away but he was so much stronger than me- It was simply no use.

"Where are we going?", I begged as I squirmed in pain.

"We've been over this Draco..didn't you listen at any of the meetings?".

I knew I'd quickly regret what was about to come out of mouth but I couldn't hold back.

"No, It's hard to listen to what's going on whilst all I can hear is you saying 'yes my lord' or 'of course my lord'- fucking pathetic you are, practically kissing his arse".

He abruptly came to a stop, his face full of fury as he let go off me.

I knew what was coming, I didn't even bother trying to fight him.

I just stood there as he knocked me down to the floor, him kicking me repeatedly as I lay there.

Dozens of kicks.

Dozens of punches.

I didn't even move, I just let it happen.

I learned after all these years that it's just better to lie there, instead of trying to fight back.

Somehow I ended up better off that way.


Alexis's Pov

I had no idea where to even run too, I just kept running until I found a dark classroom.

I knew I couldn't hide in here forever but I needed a bit of time to myself, to calm myself before I went out there.

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