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I didn't get to ask that bartender how he knew my name.

Before I could, I threw water in his face. Women can't exactly control their emotions when they're dealing with a rude male stranger. Last night's events went something like this: A soaking, sexy bartender glaring daggers, a couple of drunken stares, a few chuckles and 'oohs' from the women, a flustered architect scrambling with her Balenciaga, no, sprinting right out of the bar. Her sprints was replaced by a happy prance back to her 5 bedroom apartment resembling a Shetland pony once she realized she bested the mean stranger in his face, literally.

That was how a stranger cured my Monday blues but Tuesday came all too quickly before I could properly processed how a stranger can be so mean and rude, a person who got on my nerves in less than 10 minutes on our first meeting.

It was 6 in the morning and I was itching for a run to loose whatever water weight I had from the night before so I could fit into those faux leather pants I bought.

Just imagine that pants Ross wore in the 11th episode of the 5th season of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.; he's my greatest inspiration for a rocking outfit on a dreary Tuesday morning. Dreary how? Before I even had time to stretch my arms this morning, my boss had sent over at least 3 emails reminding me of the SAME thing as if I had the memory of a chickpea, there were blueprints I had to go over with a deadline at 12pm with a client I imagined strangling just by speaking through the phone oh and I had to pick my niece from ballet class because my sister is too busy being high...up in the air.

She was an air stewardess and her husband—the man who captains the plane aka the perfect duo. This also meant they left their 3 year old daughter in the care of the aunt whose idea of a fun Monday was picking a fight with a bartender.

I know what you're going to say. Given the fact that I had so much money in the bank, why do I still complain? My answer was plain simple—I was only human, and like every other human being ever, we are still susceptible to humanly emotions that reflects through the way we think, act and speak. S yes, rich people do have bad days too.

Fucking Tuesdays.

The bar I frequented to came into my peripheral vision after a while of jogging in circle. I swear I meant to use a different route. A very grouchy, but handsome looking man with a cute butt stood outside the bar I ran out from last night. His hand was on the handle bar of the trolley filled with boxes stacked on top each other.

Did I mention I was running down some sort of slope? Yeah, so I was basically Sonic the Hedgehog without breaks.

"Get out of the way!" I said loudly over the loudness of the music blasting in my ears, goddamn, even I can't hear myself.

But Bartender guy didn't hear me. Like myself, he had a pair of headphones over his ears. "Hey!" I called again, at this rate my arms were flailing like a hen getting ready for a flight that'll never happen.

Slowly but surely his head turned. Brow barely lifted with a bored look on his face and a mouth that slowly formed into an 'O'. I think he said something like "Idiot alert" but all I could hear was Jessie J's 'Bang Bang' blasting in my ears. Thanks Jessie for predicting what I was about to do.

You know how in those stupid, unrealistic romantic movies where the guy always catches the girl mid-fall, her shit flies into the air, the guy catches her effortlessly by her waist, spinning her around and they stare at each other's eyes for a good minute.

Yeah, that didn't happen to me. Bartender guy side-stepped like he was avoiding the plague and I went head on into the pile of boxes.

Pigeons flew, a car's alarm went off at a distance and someone shouted 'Turn that shit off!' when I collided with the bunch of boxes. "Wow, Beyonce would be jealous of the less than graceful entrance you just made." Bartender guy observed the scene from above at my fallen body as he removed his headphones, looking at me in disapproval. From the view down below, he looked mighty tall with legs muscles I'd caress slowly and...

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