Chapter 12

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The next day became horrible, all of the waterways in the reserved area of Africa are dried up. You couldn't believe you eyes, it can't be true, there's no way; it must be a dream, yeah, you thought about and wait until you wake up. But it wasn't, it's a nightmare.
You tried digging holes to find sources of water underneath the ground and all you got are gold, jewels, and fossils. No water. It's hard finding water everywhere, even the animals in Africa are getting tired from dehydration.

Y/n: '*sigh* no water, not a single flow.' You press your staff onto the dried up ground.

You tried to get your hopes up and continue on the work, but you couldn't think about yesterday. Last night, you felt bad for Alex. He blamed himself for ruining his parents' life on failing to complete at a ritual combat. You tried to reason with him and his friends, but they shut you out like you're not...part of their group. You couldn't speak since they are animals and you're human. You have been drinking the juice from mango fruits to survive, but that wasn't enough you ended eating it without sucking the liquid. You then lay down on the ground probably resting from the hard work you did, until a group of lions appear. One of them dragged your body to the rest of the animals in the dried empty lake of the reserved area. All of them are having the similar water problem in the waterways.

*timeskip by Alex being petted from Y/n*

Random lion: "We found this laying in the empty ditch." He said, you woke up to see where were you and being eyed by the other animals. You see one lion dragging you by the ankle.

Second random lion: "Can we eat it?" You growled at the comment.

Gloria: "What no! Are you crazy? Let her go." She said and the lion let her go.

Third Random lion: "But she's human." He commented making you growl more fiercely. You stood up and ready yourself by raising your staff at the lions who dragged you here.

Gloria: "Hey hey, easy Y/n. They don't mean any harm. You can put your spear away."

You glare at the lion once more and place you weapon behind your back. The other animals behind Gloria are staring back at you. 

Gloria: "What happen to you?"

Y/n: 'I dug every holes for any water coming out, but nothing.' You made hand gestures on telling Gloria about your situation. She understands your translation.

Gloria: "Same here, we tried digging water in lake, unfortunately we only found gold and jewels. Their alpha lion Makunga was no help at all and didn't find a solution on the water shortage."

Y/n: 'Sounds selfish of him. What now?'

Gloria: "Don't know, any other idea?"

You were about speak until King Julian interrupted your moment. He appeared in the scene while standing on one of the elephants. Holy moly, you haven't seen him in days since he and Maurice were sucked out of the malfunctioning plane. You even can't believe they are alive, but where is Mort? Alex told you he saw the little lemur was hanging onto the plane's wing. Unfortunately he accidentally let go and went off somewhere.

King Julian: "Listen up, I will help you. There's only one way to get your precious water. I your beloved king Julian must simply make a small sacrifice to my good friends the water gods in...the volcano!" He announced and showed the animals' the volcanic mountain.

Y/n: 'This can't be happening.'

Rhino: "What does that do?"

King Julian: "What does that do? Excellent question, my sacrifice goes into the volcano, then the friendly gods eat up my sacrifice." He said and then talking to himself of himself and pretending to be as a water god, making the animals and you confused what was going on his statement.

King Julian: "The gods eat the sacrifice, they are grateful, they give me some of their water, and then I give it to you."

Gloria: "What?"

Y/n: 'You got to be kidding me.'

A little deer or a suni (I don't know what kind of it is so I'll just leave those two in) walked underneath the yak.

Suni: "Does it work?"

King Julian: "No, I mean yes Uh well Maurice."

Maurice: "'s fifty-fifty."

Y/n: 'There is no way they would believe in him. I mean, sacrificing an animal to jump into the volcano so the gods can give him water.' You thought but the animals cheer on his belief and accepted it leaving you shock and upset.

King Julian: "Excellent, now all I need is someone who would like to go in the volcano, and get eaten by gods. Any hands? Anybody? Okay I need someone perhaps who never found love, who could look death straight in the eyeball. A real genuine hero."

Melmen: "I'll do it." He volunteered.

Everyone gasp of the giraffe's comment including you and Gloria.

Gloria: "Melmen?!"

The animals cheer him on becoming a sacrifice to the water gods. You couldn't believe on what he is doing, you tried to stop him from doing this insane attempt, but you ended being bumped or pushed by the other animals leaving you behind while they carry Melmen up to the volcano.

Y/n: *Sigh* 'I guess I'll head back and finish on repairing the plane.' You sighed and turn around to return back.

When you're about to head back, you stopped for a moment and sense something is wrong. You use your animal instincts to sniff the air. It's smells familiar like you knew someone, you sniff once more and sense a herbivore animals. A zebra of course.

You turn around again facing a zebra, Marty. You hope that's really him because on what Alex said before, he and the other zebra really look alike. He stopped in front of you with a worried look on his face.

Y/n: 'What happen?' You made a sign language at the zebra.

Marty: "It's Alex! He got captured by the humans in the off-reserved area!"

Y/n: 'What?! Oh no!' Your eyes widen in fear. You're afraid on what will happen to your lion friend, you nodded and turn confident on this issue.

Marty: "Where are Melmen and Gloria?"

Y/n point up at the mountains visualizing that they went up there so Melmen will be sacrificed.

Marty: "Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

You and Marty ran as fast as you could up to the volcano before it's too late.

Y/n: 'I hope the ritual sacrifice didn't start yet. Please be alive Melmen.' You thought while running up the steep mountain and avoiding the falling rocks.

Bonus (this is not part of the chapter, this is like a random (or funny) or EXTRA scene):

Y/n with a Alex the Lion plush doll

- Y/n: *cuddling it with lots of love* 💕💕💕💕

Y/n with a Makunga the Alpha lion plush doll

- Y/n: *dumping it in the trash* 💢

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