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Please vote and comment honey bunches. ilysm.
It was October. A beautiful October night-in a meadow. Astrid could hear the rustling of the leaves, she could feel the beautiful October wind on her face and then through her alluring blonde hair

But in that wind, she could hear a voice. A voice that was drawing her towards it. "Astrid ." The voice said. It sounded eerie. Very eerie.  "Astrid ." It said. She followed the voice. It soon led her into a cave. The beaming moonlight slowly and steadily decreased and soon enough, it was all dark. With a lake. With beaming moonlight. Right into the pond. The light beamed out of the small space between the walls of the cave.

But soon enough, the walls of the cave started losing their strength and they started shedding rocks and it was horrific.

Astrid woke up. This was the third time she had this nightmare.  She didn't tell anyone about the same. Not even her mum. Not even her best friend.

Realising she didn't wake Lu up, she went back to sleep.

The fall play was to occur two days before the fall ball. The play is organised by all of the houses together.
Kyle Benedict, the Hufflepuff prefect, Astrid along with Nathan Parker the Slytherin prefect and Blake the Ravenclaw prefect were volunteers in assisting the play.
Rose was dragged in the play curtesy to Astrid. The play thunderstorm: the tragedy was to be presented this year and Astrid thought Rose would be perfect for the role of Julia while Lu would be the perfect Amy.

"Okay now we have, Rose Granger Weasley auditioning for Julia Martin. " Kyle said.
" Liam, you're the reason my agony and my-,"
Rose said as she nervously tucked her hair behind her ear.
"What's wrong?" Kyle asked.
"Must be her weird ass big teeth." Ashley a girl from Slytherin house interrupted.
"Shut the hell up Trashley!" Astrid replied. "Let her use the book Kyle."
"Liam, my darling you are the reason behind my-,"
Rose runner her hands together as she spoke the lines.
Ashley laughed as  Rose stuttered.
"Nathan! Take your house trash out of here!"
Astrid said.
"I'm sorry but I cannot do this." Rose said as she ran away. Astrid followed her out of the room.
"Rose! Rose!" Rose didn't stop. "Rose hear me out please!" Astrid said.
"Rose! Wait!" She said as she grabbed rose's arm.
"What's wrong ? Why are you running away?" Astrid questioned. Lu followed them into the empty space they stood.
"Why did you run away from there Rose? What is wrong?" Lu asked. "That's what I said? What is wrong? If it's Trashley, she has nothing on you!"Astrid said. "No it's just my teeth. They are hideous."
Rose said. 
"You don't have to be insecure about this. At least you're not as annoying as Trashley!" Astrid said.
"Astrid you're not helping!" Lu declared.
"Cut the poor girl some slack she's your ex, Astrid!"Rose opined. "Listen to me! You're crazy rich. Gorgeous and have a handsome boyfriend! Ashley is just jealous!" Lu said. "Trashley!" Astrid corrected.
"And if you really want to be Julia, you'll be Julia." She added.

"Kyle! Rose is back to audition!" Astrid announced.
"But we already got ourselves Julia!" Kyle added.
"But I clearly told you that Rose is perfect for the role. And who got it again."
"I did." Ashley said.
"Kyle once again you proved that your ability of make decisions is worse than Trashley's dress sense."Astrid stated.
"What- ," Kyle said.
"Anyways as I have volunteered, I would finish the task." She added.
Astrid said to Rose, "I'll get you that part. Don't you worry."
"But Ashley already has it." Rose replied.
"Funny of you think I cannot get what I want."
Astrid added as she pulled out a bottle out of her pocket.  "This would change everything. Just go and the learn lines."

(Please enjoy this very small chapter today as I'll post more tomorrow. Love you)

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