✨Background Information✨

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A long long time ago, In the vast country of Japan, there were three kingdoms, the Hamasaki kingdom, Takayama kingdom and Nishikawa Kingdom. Each kingdom was responsible for a certain aspect of the lands.

 The Hamasaki kingdom was ruled over by the Oikawa family, they oversaw the control of ports, sea resources, trade routes, the seas and oceans surrounding.

 The Takayama kingdom belonged to the Sakusa family, this organised the lands, agriculture, mines and minerals. 

 The Nishikawa kingdom belonged to the Miya family, which supervised the factories and markets of the nation.

New characters will be introduced in this story.

Oikawa Ritsu, sister of Tooru, is an exuberant girl who has an extreme obsession with strawberries. She loves her brother but like all other siblings, she was born to irritate and vex her older brother. She is fixated with Osamu Miya but it was arranged that she was to be wedded to his brother, Atsumu Miya, who she despises with all her heart. As a princess, she hates horse riding and an odd dislike for milk bread. 

  Ritsu had long wavy black hair, as black as volcanic ash and long enough to brush her waist. She had dark eyes, brown as chocolate and they reflected her wild and free nature. 

Sakusa kimi is sister of Sakusa Kiyoomi. She was the black sheep of the family and had a sizzling fire and fury in her heart for all the injustice in the kingdom. She hated all the discrimination and was determined to change this warped system for the better. 

  Her artistic nature saw perspectives in everything that most people missed. Her brother was her light in the world of disguised darkness, her biggest wish was to travel and explore every inch of the world. She made beautiful ice sculptures and drawings of common things by bringing out the true hidden beauty. She was a natural born leader, hated being told what to do and her parents who wanted her to be a proper princess. 

She loved sword fighting, horse riding and all of the things her brother learnt. All she wanted was equality and freedom, was that too much to ask?

 Kimi had long black straight hair, black as the khol lining her russet eyes, blazing with the passion inside. 

Harada Itsuki ~ A twenty-five-year-old, jolly, casual, and carefree. Atsumu's best friend and assistant. They first met during a festival and Itsuki really stood up for Atsumu which developed their friendship. Called Itsu by Atsumu and Harada-san by Osamu. Calls Atsumu, Atsu-Chan, or Atsu-Kun and knows Atsumu very well. He is calm and composed in contrast to Atsumu's hot-headed nature.

Miya Atsumu ~ Miya Atsumu, a twenty two year old, passionate and sincere. At a young age he often expressed temper and misbehaviour which made his parents to let him do whatever he wanted, which soon turned into neglect towards Atsumu. He wasn’t taught skills needed to be king or given proper attention. He started to blame his twin, Miya Osamu for his state and hated him. Osamu on the other hand, understood him and never expressed hate towards him and cared for him. Due to certain incidents Atsumu is now in the biggest of problems and slowly has to learn how to solve them.
I will get my cousin to draw them for me soon!

Hopefully you find it interesting~

Byeee~ 💖

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