Chapter 2

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It's your first day as a member of Survey Corps. You just finished training with flying colors, so you were personally courted by the Scout's commander, Keith Shadis. Although, you thought using your brother, Erwin to convince you was a little low. He's a squad leader for years now, you were almost sure that he would pick you to be on his team, but you had your sights on Team Hanji.

She might be new but her reputation precedes her. And honestly, you don't want Erwin breathing down your neck every damn second.

"You must be (y/n), Erwin's sister! I'm Hanji and I'll be training you." Hanji was a ball of sunshine. She seemed excited to work with you.

"Did my brother pass me to you?" You asked.

"No! It was either you or the other kid, what's his name?" she stopped to think. "Ackerman! He chose the little guy, which was weird to me but I do want to work with you."

"He chose Levi?" You said in a condescending tone. You and Levi Ackerman came from the same training class. "I always beat his ass in training. He's fun to piss off because he's very ill tempered."

You and Hanji laughed. You love her already! Her quirkiness matches yours.

"I always beat you." a cold voice from behind you said. You turned and it was the ice king himself, Levi Ackerman.

"Didn't see you there, shorty."

"I said stop calling me that!" he charged at you unexpectedly, which made you hit the ground. He is truly ill tempered.

You got up and dusted off yourself. You smirked before throwing punches which he successfully block, as expected. While he was preoccupied, you took the chance to slide your leg and trip him up. You then flipped his arm and pinned him on the ground face down.

"You have to learn to control your emotions, shorty." You whispered. "If you're fighting based on emotions, you will be predictable."

You got off of him and walked back to where Hanji was.

"That was impressive!" she clapped her hands. "I want you in my squad so badly!"

"He wasn't bad. No one else beats him but me." you chuckled. "I wanna be on your squad too, Hanji. So, pick me."

"I will fight your brother for it." she swore. "But for now, let's train."


It's been months since training began. You have been selected for Hanji's team and it took a lot of arguing but she also got Levi. Perfect! Hanji got the two best soldiers from your class. Erwin got stuck with the so-so students which he took as a challenge.

If there's one thing Erwin was good at, it was inspiring people to fight. You were sure that this was the reason why he's in line to be the next commander.

It was time for your first expedition. News about titans almost reaching the walls seemed alarming and your team was sent to do the job. The instant you left the walls, a number of titans started heading your way. Everyone started fighting. Within 10 minutes, you have killed three. You assisted others as they fought for their lives.

"(Y/n)!!!" you heard Hanji yell your name as a titan aimed for you. It was too late to get away. You closed your (e/c) eyes waiting for the titan to grab you but it never happened. You slowly opened your eyes when you rolled off the ground.

"Levi!" you called out to the man wincing in pain. Judging by the massive wound on his leg, the titan's teeth caught his leg. "Are you okay?"

You started to realize that he saved you from being the titan's dinner and as a result he hurt himself. Guilt started to fill you.

"I'm fine, idiot." he scoffed. "You can boast about beating me all you want but in the real world, you're useless."

"Thank you for saving me, Levi." You sincerely said before helping him up and getting him to a higher place which was a tall tree.

"I can still fight!" he protested. "We have to find the rest of our squad."

"I'll do that and come back for you after." You decided. "Stay here and stay alive."

"You should say that to yourself, moron." he rolled his eyes. "Come back as soon as you can."

You jumped from one tree to another until you found your squad facing a horde of titans. You immediately aided them and slashed nape after nape until you and your squad cleared the area.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay." Hanji pulled you in for an embrace. "I thought you were dead! Erwin would've killed me."

"I'm fine, thanks to Levi. He saved me." You informed. "We have to get him on the way back, he hurt himself while saving me."

"Copy!" she nodded. "Men, retreat! The coast is clear now, Let's head back."

They all saluted and followed. You stopped to pick Levi up as promised and you found him sitting on top of a freshly cut titan.

"Took you long enough." he scoffed.

"How? You were injured!" You wondered.

"You're not the only star student, Smith." he smirked before following the army home.

You reached the headquarters and Hanji reported the events as the soldiers tend to their wounds. You only have minor scratches that were easily relieved by alcohol. You started counting your loss which totaled in 6 people. Humanity's survival comes at an expensive price.

You shifted your gaze at the aloof man sitting by the window. He was blankly staring at the skies. You noticed that he hasn't treated his wounds yet.

"What the fvck!!??" he yelled as soon as you poured alcohol to his open wound. "I will kill you!"

"Calm down!" you yelled back. "It has to be disinfected to avoid any complication."

"Fvck you! This is your fault." he tried to remain cool but you know how badly it stings since his wound was deep.

"I didn't ask you to save me." You commented.

"I know."

"Then, why did you?"

He didn't answer. He continued staring at the skies. He seemed fascinated by the stars; his usually cold eyes are twinkling with them.

"There! Done!" You announced after dressing his wound. "Thank you again, Levi. If I can repay you in any way, just tell me."

You started walking off.

"It would be boring." You stopped your tracks and looked back at him. He was still looking outside. "If you died out there, the Scouts would be boring."

You didn't respond. You just smiled to yourself.

'What a weird guy.' You thought. No, he's not weird. He's a mystery that you want to unfold.


I felt extra motivated so here's chapter 2. Don't forget to vote and share! Thank you! <3

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