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Unknown POV:

Shigaraki sounded pissed off, more so than usual.

Dabis's choice to send the Nomu into the city earlier than planned had caused some pretty major inconveniences. 

Hawks was on one of the other lines, sounding completely exhausted. "UA has ended my internship with the girl. They plan on keeping her on campus until you guys are no longer deemed a threat to her safety."

Shigaraki spoke next. "Our insider could do something about that, couldn't you? You do hold the authority."

"Not without facing disagreement. Eraserhead is her primary guardian, it was his decision, and if I were to try and persuade him to change his mind it would only be cause for suspicion. And before you ask about my other tactic, that would be much too obvious."

"Fine." Shigaraki paused. "I assume all is ready, to begin with Masters plan?"

"Yes, it should be occurring within the next few days."

Hawks sighed. "Can someone please tell me exactly what this plan is?"

"It doesn't concern you, Hawks," Dabi shouted from somewhere behind Shigaraki.

"Yes, he's right. You may go ahead and hang up now Hawks, we need nothing more from you." 

"Come on, Shigaraki. Have I not proven my loyalty?"

"We will contact you after the plan has been completed. Do not try and reach us anytime beforehand." 

It took a moment, but Hawks seemed to understand that he wouldn't be getting any further with the villain. The sound of his line disconnecting caused Shigaraki to speak once more.

"I need you to include one more element into our plans."

"And what would that be?"

"You say Eraserhead is her primary caretaker, and he's the one who called off the internship?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yes, he's helped her with training and was the main hero advocating for her rescue during the time of her captivity."

"He has become quite the inconvenience. One that needs to be taken care of."

"What would you like me to do?"


Bakugous POV:

His neck was aching, and the sound of voices caused him to open his eyes.

His vision was blurry, but he could make out a faint light coming from in front of him.

And then he realized where exactly he had fallen asleep.

His head was on your shoulder. Damn, that was embarrassing. 

When he could finally see what was in front of him, he realized the voices he had heard were coming from his laptop. Meaning that you had probably fallen asleep with the show still playing.

He lifted his head and reached out to shut the laptop but was stopped by the sound of your voice. 

"Hey, I'm still watching that."

He looked over, surprised to see you awake. "It's four in the morning, why the hell are you awake?"

"This show is really good, I need to at least get to the end of season one."

Rubbing his eyes, he looked closer to the screen. It seemed to be in the middle of some kind of fight scene. "Why is that dude wearing a blindfold?"

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