Bio and synopsis

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"You shouldn't charge head on, Maki. That seriously won't do good for any of us."


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"Why don't you stop acting like my parent for once and get off my case, yeah?"

TAMAKI HATSUMI is a non-jujutsu sorcerer ( or so he thinks ) and spends most of his life living with his widowed father, while attending junior high just because his dad tells

him to.

Tamaki hates school and has no ambition to pursue a career of his choosing outside of school, though he had a passion for Kendo and martial arts before his dad took it all away.

He feels he lives in a bubble and has no freedom, until he meets MAKI ZENIN, a sorcerer who left her family home and has nowhere else to go prior to attending her first year at Tokyo high.

The two then meet and find the freedom they always wanted in each other. They also find an unexpected bond with one another.

Character profile:

Birthdate: January 5th

Age: 15 ( at the start )

Central Tokyo Junior High & High School


Haru Hatsumi ( father )

Mother ( deceased )

                                                         He has no siblings

Appearance: Tamaki is an inch taller than Maki ( 5'8 ) and he has jet black hair with honey-like eyes with a hint of brown. He tends to wear his junior high uniform a lot but likes to be in a casual hoodie in jeans outside of school.

Tamaki feels like an outcast as he doesn't go out as much as before. Ever since his mother passed away, his father has been protective of him and keeps him in a bubble. He complains about the curfews and father's refusal to let him partake in his favorite hobbies like Kendo or reading or watching paranormal videos. He too believe he has had many spiritual encounters but his father shakes it off as his imagination.

His father runs a Kendo Dojo and sells weaponry crafted himself, but doesn't let Tamaki get near them. Tamaki has a small group of friends but he doesn't enjoy school or homework at all.

    Tamaki tends to be kind, soft spoken and loves to day dream. He has a creative soul who also wants to explore the secrets of sorcery.

Likes: His cat, Suki. Loves reading ghost stories and supernatural anime. He enjoys taking a sip of coffee while it pours outside.

Favorite food: Miso Salmon

Least Favorite food: Anything that's too spicy

Small trivia:

His favorite supernatural anime is Mushi-Shi or Bleach

He would do podcast for a living if he didn't get involved with Maki or the Jujutsu business

He wished there was an occult club in his high school.


Tamaki can see spirits and curses that no mere human can. He questions this but his father tries to make him believe it's all pretend. Though Tamaki can feel the presence of one near a radius.

Swordsmanship: Tamaki was top of the class in his Kendo program. He has remarkable timing and speed to counter attacks, and he fights back hard. He learned alot from his father when he was little, who too is a great swordsman. Though he won't tell his son where he learned those skills.

More and more will be revealed this week about Tamaki and his adventure with Maki Zenin!

So stick around and leave a vote, save the story to get updates asap!

Takes place before the prequel. It's also a short story too as well, but I hope you guys enjoy!

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