Chapter 19

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"So, Charlotte is your sister?" I asked the same question at dinner. Fruits and fish.

"Nah, she's my cousin. Helped her sister, Jasmine, and herself to set up near town so they can find friends because everyone doesn't like Alyx's style," he said, gulping some berry juice.

"Oh. But I like your house. You stay so far from what's going on. You don't want people's company?"

"Uhuh, it's not like that. Ya asked me earlier, my skill right? It's knowledge. I am erudite. Can see da truth in every word like it's transparent. Like the thunderstorm that day. Every book here, these flames, morphyll from da village and city people, bring knowledge of forever. And about 'a company. If ya have a book, "He paused. His thick eyebrows lifted up, "Ya don't need anybody else's company. Characters ére are more than anythin'. That's the thing about books, they let you travel around the world without moving your feet." There was something about him that was so unique and well so powerful, so logical, that it convinced me he was proud of his books was very realistic. I nodded.

"Found Charlotte and Jasmine in an old house back then, only spiders made their webs and there was Nothin' they'd do except to feed 'emselves to spare the life." His hands started to move along the back of his necks again. He came forward and picked up an apple from the basket. "I was on a mission to find a golden apple," he raised his and I raised mine, "Queen Nimue needed for her life. I was like ya back then, but I was 12, you are 14 or 15, I guess?"

"17," I said. His brown eyes were searching for something. He munched on the apple.

"Well, whatever. So I found 'em too. Charlotte went with me while Jasmine went with Brett, A friend of mine, we divided ourselves. I and Charlotte got lost in da Jungle, but Charlotte made her way to her sister, the 3 found the golden apple at the same time Princess of yours did, and after all that, Princess gifted four of us 3 big houses. This one," he pointed towards the ceilings and walls, "is mine with books and all that here. One is with Jasmine and Charlotte and the last one with Brett." He munched on his apple again, this time with the juice. he continued with a sigh as if he was explaining things to himself,  "Anyways, those two sisters called me brother and I love them like sisters." He paused and smiled as if saying the words out only made him feel like a big brother. I guess it's lovely when you feel like you've got a responsibility to take. Unless that responsibility really starts being offensive. "So, yes this is the only family I've got. Now you, an additional piece." he smiled broadly and warmly.

"Oh, so it's all that confusing. I still don't know how to manage my conversation with Charlotte tomorrow." I said.

"Jasper. Charlotte's a helper. Sometimes she regrets this, but most of the da time I see her helping and loving her skill. That girl Can ride a horse very well but can't ride a broom. She doesn't help every other guy, guess she admires your way. Said nothing about you when she talked to me. Stay good and bring up a way to convince her, know you can do that?" he explained.

"Yes". I told him and quickly finished my fish.

So here is today's update. I promised for this week's another update and here I am. It's a little short, but it was necessary. This is mainly about Alyx and Jasper. Guys, I just wanted to say, feel free to comment down any figures or personalities or anyone who'd completely fulfill the Alyx required looks. I do have some of the people in mind, but as a reader, you would have come up with someone, so... feel free to write their names down. 

Also, I am amazed by 670 reads and 130 votes. Like, wow. Thankyou so much guys for so much love, kindness and reading out the book till here. All I can say is that I am glad that you are liking it, but, guys, there have been 670 reads, but only 130 votes. If you could just vote for every chapter, that would make your writer very happy and motivated towards her work! Please, do vote and comment on each chapter to express your opinions about the content. That would be highly appreciated! 

Moving on, I am here for yet another purpose as well. I am here to introduce you to one of my friends who is also an author on Wattpad and she writes, no, not only writes, she BLOWS OFF! I mean, her content and her writing style is superb! Do check her out. Her username is writtenbymal and her story name is A never mistake. She is awesome!!

So, I guess, I should end up here. PLease do vote, comment, share and share it to your other fellow readers! Stay blessed :)

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