Chapter 4 - Love Or Friendship, You Can Never Know

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On Monday after school, Kurt found himself at the Lima Bean after school to fill out an application. He loved the coffee shop, and since things for his future wasn't looking so great, he needed to have a back up in case something horrendous might happen. Blaine was there to support him, a little quieter than normal, but still there.
"Rachel and I might as well get used to a life of barista work and summer stock," he muttered, looking up. "There's no way we're getting into NYADA now. If we don't win at Sectionals, I pretty much have nothing to live for."
"New Directions is a mess," Blaine said, and Kurt couldn't agree more. "And we're gonna lose, Kurt. And I can't do a thing about it. Every time I open my mouth, Finn gives me these looks like 'what does he think he's doing?' I know what I'm doing."
Kurt knew that Blaine had been having problems with his stepbrother, and he'd been too busy with his campaign and the musical to say anything about it. He needed to remember to talk to him when he got home. He froze, seeing a familiar blazer out of the corner of his eye. Please don't let it be...
"Hey guys!" Sebastian greeted. Kurt was so not in the mood for this. "So crazy...I'm sitting over there checking out this guy, and all of the sudden I'm like 'wait a second, I know that hair.' What's up, buddy? Haven't seen you online." He didn't let the blatant flirting get him mad, but then Sebastian turned to him for a millisecond. "Hi, Kurt."
"We've been really busy with glee club," Blaine said, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Practicing for Sectionals..." Kurt reached over to touch Blaine's hand, not that it would affect Sebastian. "Together."
"Congrats on the Warbler win at your Sectionals," Blaine remarked as he glanced to Kurt. "We're up this week." "Yeah." Kurt could tell that the Warbler was trying to be nice, and he really wanted to scratch his eyes out.
"Well hey, if there's on guy who can whip New Directions into a legitimate threat it's Blaine Anderson, right?" "Right, I need another coffee," Blaine murmured, slipping out of his chair.
Kurt didn't have to look up to know that the boy was checking out Blaine's ass, and he just dropped his smile and stated, "I don't like you."
"Fun," Sebastian said, looking a little taken back.
"I don't like you either." The words just flowed after that. "I don't like the way you talk to my boyfriend. I don't like your smirky little meerkat face. I don't like your obnoxious CW hair. I'm on to you."
"Let's get a few things straight," he stated. "Blaine's too good for you, New Directions is a joke, and one of us has a hard-luck case of the gay face and it ain't me. Odds are, by the end of the school year I'll have Diana and a Nationals trophy, and you'll have khakis and a Lima Bean apron and that gay face."
Kurt laughed, and didn't back down. "You smell like Craigslist."
However that was until Kurt realized who's names Sebastian just said while the mentioned female walks up to them and snakes her arms around Sebastian's neck from behind before her lips press to one of his cheeks and kiss it a couple of times

Sebastian: *starts to smile from one to the other laying his hands over hers* Hey Diana.

Diana: Hey Sebby. Did you miss me?

Sebastian: don't I always? *teases and jokes*

Diana: You're such a cutie

Sebastian: to you yeah, your much cuter thou. *winks as he pulls her onto his lap*

Diana: How could I not? You spoil me rotten

Sebastian: *chuckles* you deserve it and admit it you love being spoiled by yours truly

Diana: Of course I do. You are my favorite person in the world

Sebastian: glad to hear it, cuz you're my favourite as well.

Diana: Do you have plans for the rest of the day?

Sebastian: nope, don't have any. I'm guessing you have a plan?

Diana: Cisco called actually

Sebastian: Ah, I see, what does he need?

Diana: He's bringing the girls for a visit

Sebastian: I don't know if I should be happy or annoyed by that.

Diana: How come Lightning?

Sebastian: I have nothing against Caitlin but Iris is another story.

Diana: Oh come on. She's such a sweet heart

Sebastian: true but remember that she can change from sweetheart to drama queen in what I call record time.

Diana: Aw you really need to chill out sometimes *says as she kisses his nose and gets back on her feet*

Sebastian: I know, I know. *smiles following her with his eyes*

Diana: You have prictice coming up

Sebastian: *his eyes widen* Shoot, I almost forgot about that!

Diana: Want a ride? *asks as she offers him her hand*

Sebastian: yes please, I don't wanna be late. *says accepting her hand and gets on his feet*

Diana: Later ladies *teases as she leads Sebastian out of the cafe*

Sebastian: *laughs* Nice one. Later losers. *says following beside Diana as they walk out of the cafe*

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