ch. 29 ♩signed, struck, stayed.

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CHAPTER TWENTY NINE:signed, struck, stayed

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signed, struck, stayed.

"Mikasa is officially coming back as a vocalist for Musicorum!" Jean said proudly, throwing open the door to the hotel suite, dragging Mikasa into the threshold with a grin on his face. "That bastard says he's had the paperwork ready for years!"

"Get that bag, Mikasa," Eren muttered from the piano bench, crunching on his ranch Doritos, keeping his eyes on his phone. You didn't know why he was sitting there, though, because he was only getting crumbs on the keys and wasn't even playing anything.

"Thank you," Mikasa said, flopping down onto the couch beside you, throwing her bag onto the floor. "I'm coming back, I guess."

"Are you sure you want to, though?" You asked, giving her a hesitant smile. "I mean, you did say you'd rather die than come back, so.."

"It's whatever," She replied, shrugging slightly, tucking a strand of black hair behind her ear before letting her hand rest on the cushions behind you. "I'm getting the three conditions I wanted, and I'm pretty happy with that."

"What were the three conditions?" Marco asked gently as he made his way to the couch, leaning over it so that his arms dangled between you and Mikasa. He tilted his head to the side, giving her a playful smile. "You never told us."

"You'll find out," Mikasa said with a slight smirk. "Soon enough."

"You're making it sound like it's something cool as hell. Are you somehow getting benefits that we don't?" Jean said, and took a sip of his soda, barely able to swallow before he was forced to move off of his chair by Floch, who barged in with no shame.

Well, more like, Floch came in and wandered around Jean's seat, and Jean, who didn't want to sit with Floch, let him take the chair.

You all turned to look at Floch expectantly, as if you were asking for the reason he was even there. Except for Eren, that is. He looked up from his Twitter and made knowing eye contact with the red-haired male, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets as he got up. "We're still going to Fulminare, right?"

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