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It has been a couple weeks since the day we were at the shrieking shack. Me and Ron had been hooking up secretly. Me and Ginny resolved things and were cool now. Ron invited me to the burrow for Christmas which I gratefully accepted. That is where were headed now.

"Are you excited?" Ron asked while we were sitting down in our compartments. "Yes obviously, I missed mama Weasley. Sorry I haven't been coming over alot for holidays" I said. I used to go over there for winter break. I stopped going in 4th year. My parents had a vacation house they no longer use because they have about 90 other ones. I spend summers there and winter breaks there because they'll never notice. I love the Weasleys but sometimes I felt as if I was imposing on thier family time together so I stopped going over.

"Don't worry about that mum is happier to see you then see me" Ron said laughing which made me smile. "Your like family to her and you mean so much to me I'm glad your coming back" Ron said placing his hand on top of mine. I looked him in the eyes while he started rubbing shapes on the back of my hand.

The door slid open but me and Ron kept looking into each others eyes. "Are we interrupting something" Harry asked walking to sit across of me and Ron with Hermione following behind. Me and Ron snapped out of the trance we were in and looked away from eachother.

"Sorry" I said pulling my hand away from Rons causing him to give me a confused look. "Anyway were staying there until after new years right?" Hermione asked. "Yea but mum and dad are going out on new years apparently there's a party at my dad's job and mum is making him go, says he needs to get friendly with his colleagues." Ron explained.

"Alright well I need a nap" I said putting my head on Rons shoulder so I was comfortable. "Ok well Ron don't forget to wake your girlfriend up before we have to get out" Hermione said chuckling. "Oh shut up" I said closing my eyes.

"Uhhhh" I said annoyed opening my eyes. " I'm cold, Harry give me your sweatshirt" I said holding out my hand. "Don't know why you can't take Rons but whatever" he said taking off his sweatshirt. He passed me his sweatshirt and I sat up to put it on. I put the sleeves over my hands and layed back down but this time with my head on Rons lap. He put his arm across my shoulder and continued talking to Harry and Hermione. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and saw no one else was in the compartment but me and Ron. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Hey sleeping beauty were almost there" Ron said. "Hermione and Harry?" I asked. "Oh they went somewhere not sure where though and they have been gone for quite some time" he explained looking out the compartment window.

"Hey, were alone" Ron said coming closer to kiss me. "Ron stop we can't do anything here" I said pushing him off of me laughing. "Why not?" He said coming back. "Listen I want to I really do but-" " there are no buts" he said kissing me again. I kissed back for a minute before I pulled away realising anyone can come in and see us.

"Ron I said no, what if someone comes in and sees us" I said "so what if they do? I don't care" he said. "Well I do" I said getting up to stretch my legs. "Why? are you embarrassed?" He asked. "I already said I wasn't it's just-" "And why did you take Harry's sweatshirt, you could have just asked for mine" he grumbled. "Alright if it makes you that mad I'll take it off" I said wanting to avoid an argument.

I went to take off Harry's sweatshirt, while I was pulling it up, my shirt got stuck to it and lifted up above my bra. "Wow you really do have nice boobs" Harry said walking into the compartment. " I could have told you that" Hermione said with a slight smirk. "Both of you shut up" I jokingly said as I threw Harry back his sweatshirt. "Thanks for the sweatshirt, it smells nice" I said as I took a seat back next to Ron.

About 30 minutes later we stopped at the platform. "Alright let's go" Ron said helping me grab my bag. I thanked him and walked out onto the platform. We met up with Fred, George, and Ginny and waited for Mr and Mrs Wealsey. " Hello everyone" Charlie said. We turned to look in his direction surprised he was here.

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