we will go to church tomorrow (part 1)

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Alright let's start...uhem...today is a new chapter...hope you liked it so far!👉🙂

Yuuri pov:

Until we heard the victim's scream..."FINALLY..TOOK THEM LONG ENOUGH!" My lord yelled or more like whined..

So we ran in the same direction as the scream came from.. lord Ciel opened the door as a small ping from blood flew to his cheek...his eyes widened..everybody stood next him..he couldn't take it anymore so he puked in the ither side...but judging from y/n's expression he doesn't look so bothered from it at all.

My lord y/n was walking to the dead bod.."As i said..the dead bodies has no arm, legs, eyes..but isn't that a bit over??
It's not that i am bothered by it..but he IS a humsn after all..but this time... it's kind of different..he cuted the body in half-" the lord said as he glanced at the inside body..where all the organs are..he just stared focusing in something...but i did not have any clue about it.

"Aren't you disgusted my you lord..?are you okay??" Sebastian  asked y/n...as the lord replied
"I am fine and no..i am not disgusted..it is pretty normal for me.. i am used to it." He said...but taking my attention off of the convo the two of them. i have payed my attention to the smell of the room...it smells disgusting...it smelled strong and heavy..like a swere drain ..were all the garbage and the bad smell is.
Looking at the room it IS pretty gory and bloody..

I then give my full attention to the convo they are having

"Even if i cried, feel disgusted, angered..it will not bring the dead alive." Y/n said as Sebastian nodded...in a flash i can see lord y/n putted his hands inaide the dead body searching for something in between...his.. organs...

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING MY L-LORD!?!?" I yelled...or more like screamed..he looked pretty annoyed..but he replied directly

"Pulling something out."

"BUT YOU PUTTED YOUR HANDS INSIDE THE DEAD BODY!!?" 'kinky' i heard Sebastian said as i understood what did he mean i yelled as i blushed bashfully and from embarrassment


"WHAT..GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF HIS BODY Y/N!!" i heard lord ciel yell as y/n snapped at us he said

"Shut your traps! I am pulling something out!💢" He yelled angrily

We all sighed knowing it IS useless to talk to his stubborn ass...so we did not bother anymore about it waiting for him to finish what he was doing..

"Oh..." He said disappointed and dissatisfied...i grew curious at what did he find..

"It's just a stupid ring...lame" he said as he rolled his eyes and threw it at the floor

"A ring?" Ciel asked
"Yea a ring..i thought it is something cool..if i knew it's a  ring i wouldn't have bothered and got myself in blood.."

(OMFG..YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED..I wAS DOING THE STORY AT 9:00..like this story should have been posted by now...but i fell asleep..sorry..


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