Chapter 4: The Quarian

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Going to do a bit of rearranging with how the followers from the Citadel are brought aboard. Doing this simply for a little switch up in the story as well as to help build relationships in a different will see what I mean. Thank you for reading and enjoy! I am really enjoying writing this and I hope that you all are enjoying reading it!

Later that Day

You walk down the alley, away from Chora's Den.

"Fucking Udina. What a bitch. Fucking diluted alcohol. What a rip off." You grumble as you round a corner. You look up and see a group of armed men surrounding a quarian.

"I was told that I was going to meet with Fist." The quarian says.

"Fist isn't here right now, it is just us." One of them growls. Time slows and you analyze the moment.

"Ah...fuck it." You draw your pistol and let off some shots as the girl throws a proximity mine. In an instant, the attackers lie dead on the ground as you jog up to the girl.

"Hey are you alright?" You ask her.

"No my suit is"

"There she is!" You look behind you and see more thugs flooding down the alley from Chora's Den. They start to let off some shots as you shove the girl forward and shield her from the fire. You cover her as the two of you move forward towards the end of the alley. Once at the end, you twist and return fire as you continue to run towards safety.

"Take a left." You yell. The quarian turns sharply and sprints on as you turn fully and shoot at the pursuers, hitting two of the many thugs in the process.

"The elevator is here!" You turn and see her holding the door open and waving her arms. You take another shot and sprint down the hall towards her. Once close enough you turn and send a shockwave out that causes your attackers to stumble and fall to the ground. You walk backwards and continue to shoot out of the door until it is fully closed.


"29." She presses the button and the elevator starts to climb. "We will get you and your suit patched up in my room. Then you owe me an explanation." You say to her as you recover your breath.

"Yes. Of course. My name"

"Don't. Just save your breath for now since your suit is damaged. Don't need your breathing in this toxic shit anyway." You say, cutting her off. She goes silent, but continues to look up at you as the elevator climbs. "Here let me look at it." She rotates and you examine the wound on the shoulder blade. "Looks like it only grazed you. Some medi-gel should patch it up and then I can mend you suit with my omni-tool." She nods in response. You give her a nod back, not know what her facial expression is under her mask.

"Come on. Just down this hall." You say as the elevator stops. The two of you walk down the hall, earning stares from the people milling about.

"I didn't know they allow quarian up on these levels. I don't even like how they allow them on the Citadel." You hear someone scoff as you pass by.

"They are just a bunch of beggars and thieves. Oooh maybe she is a prostitute." The other man says. The girl starts to turn.

"You little bosh'tet I swear" You catch the girl be her side before she is able to do anything.

"If you didn't have the tear in your suit I would let you deal with it, but just head to my room and wait for me to handle it." She silently nods and walks on as you turn around and face the man.

"Fuck off."


"I said fuck off buddy." You spit at him.

Beauty Behind the Mask: Tali x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now