Chapter 6.

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Newark, New Jersey.

Chilli's POV:

I heard the front door slam shut as Kci's voice echoed throughout the house. "Ro?" He made his way towards the living room where i was sitting and smiled softly at the sight of me. "Hey baby." he said as he sat the big bouquet of flowers on the coffee table and kissed my temple.

"I'm pregnant." I said staring down at my hands. "say what?" he asked while staring at me, his eyes piercing a whole into my head. "I said i'm pregnant." I looked into his eyes, searching for some type of reaction. "A... a baby?" I looked down at my hands once again and nodded slowly. "Yeah Ced, we're having a baby." i replied while rubbing my hands down my face. "well..." He grabbed the flowers and handed them to me. "Happy Valentine's day." he kissed the top of my head before heading up the stairs, and that was the last i had seen of him for the rest of the night.


"He just walked away?" Laila asked as she handed me a cup of tea and sat down beside me. "Bitch, he looked like he had just seen a fucking ghost." Laila began to laugh as she placed her hand on my calf. "I'm sure he's excited. after all, you are his forever lady." she chuckled, resulting in me doing the same. "So have you talked to him about this whole Lashawn incident that happened?"

I shook my head and sat my cup down after taking a sip. "i'm not gonna talk to him about it. i'm just gonna let it go. it's not the first time this has happened, remember Mary?" Laila rolled her eyes before speaking again. "You can't let him get away with that. show him you ain't a bitch to be messed with Rozonda"

"That nigga couldn't care less about anything i did in regards to his cheating scandals. The problem is... it looked like he was in love, the way he looked at her is the same way he still looks at me."

Kci's POV:

"She's pregnant Lashawn. i can't keep doing this to her... or our baby." I said as i got up off of her bed and began putting my clothes back on. "fuck her and that baby. you know you're not into her the way you are with me." she grabbed ahold of a lighter from her nightstand and lit the cigarette that was dangling between her lips. "She's my girlfriend and I love her. and i ain't no fucking deadbeat so best believe i'm gonna be there for my kid and my girl." i replied as i looked back at her briefly, then grabbed my keys and my pager. "Duces." i said as i held up the peace sign and made my way out of the door.

As i made it home, i walked inside to see Rozonda laid out on the couch sleeping. I smiled softly to myself before sitting the keys down on the table beside the front door and picking her up carrying her to the room. I laid her down and kicked off my shoes climbing in the bed beside her. She slowly opened her eyes while placing her head on my chest. "How was the studio?" she asked while closing her eyes once again. "Shh baby, go back to bed." I said while placing soft kisses on her forehead


The next morning i woke up to an empty bed. I got up and walked into the bathroom to do my hygiene then downstairs to the kitchen to fine Rozonda standing over the stove cooking. Sneaking up behind her, i creeped my hands around her waist and pulled myself towards her while softly kissing on her neck. "Goodmorning beautiful." i spoke up, but the only reaction i got was a simple and quick smile.

"Is something wrong baby?" i asked while turning her around to face me. i stared into her eyes as she looked down and began to tear up. "You don't want a baby with me, do you?" My heart shattered at the sound of her voice cracking, on edge of breaking down and crying. I sighed before speaking up again.

"Of course i want a baby with you Ro. Don't ever think i don't. I was just caught off guard baby that's all. Listen to this. How about i take you out today, and we don't come back til the AM since i worked last night, how does that sound?" i searched her face before wiping the stray tears that dropped from her eyes. "Perfect." she said with a big beautiful smile.

YALL I AM BACK I— i am so sorry i just really lost motivation. but i have so many other books that i want to get done so i GOTTA finish this one in order to get my sequel to this started and finished. i'm so sorry if this is shit, the next chapter will be much better. enjoy! -Mya.

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