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I love Niall here in this chapter so much I can't express it enough-

Grace Evans

After everything's over we get sent back to our rooms and I try sleeping to avoid the thoughts but they kept haunting me.

What did he want from me? Who's he?

More importantly, who was he talking about that wants me?

All these thoughts kept clouding my mind. I couldn't stay still.

I close my eyes and try to think of something good when I hear a knock. I immediately feel my heart race. I was still scared so i didn't make a sound to wait and see who it was.

"Grace? You here?'' i hear Josh

Oh thank god.

"Y-yes..hold on'' i say getting up and going to open the door.

As I open I see him standing there with a worried look.

"Hey I heard about today. I was so worried. You okay now?'' he questions

"Yeah i think I'm fine now. But I'm still scared'' i say shaking my head.

"Its pretty normal to be scared. But take care and don't let anyone in'' he says giving a slight nod.

"Yeah i won't'' i say

"Okay then. You should rest.''

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow'' i say smiling a bit

"Yup bye. Good night.'' he says and walks away.

I don't know why I had a weird feeling about him.

The next day's going pretty normal as the band's doing their practice and stuff.

Harry was back to being the arrogant doofus that he was.

I'm just filling up a form when Niall comes and sits next to me.

"Hey Niall'' i smile at him

"Hey Iz. You've been quiet today.'' he says

"Yeah. It's just I'm working. But you can talk. I'm all ears'' i say shooting him a smile

He smiles and looks down.

"No i was just getting bored because Louis and Liam warned me not to bother you as you are not okay.'' he shrugs

"No it's alright. You can talk to me. I have fun with you. I don't mind.'' i say smiling.

"Do you have something to eat? I'm hugry!" He curls his lips

"Oh um.. wait lemme see." I say grabbing my bag. I usually keep a cookie with me for emergency hunger situations.

"Yes. Here you go!" I say taking it out handing it to him.

"Omg you're just like the magic box!" He says excited

"What?" I laugh

"Yes! It's like whatever I ask for it's always there!" He chuckles.

"Oh well I do like keeping important stuff in my bag." I shrug smiling.

"Yes that's what I'm saying! I could just ask you for the Eiffel tower and you'd be like 'yeah sure' " he says laughing.

"Okay that's enough now" I say smiling.

"Ok ok. Can I see your bag?" He questions excited

"Okay sure. Just don't take out any papers or stuff." I say passing my bag to him as he goes through it amused.

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