Chapter 32-Sophie

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"Wylie looked like he was about to explode when that guy asked to dance with Lihn."
Biana giggled. "His face turned so red!"

Biana stepped at the punch table, sliding a cup off of the piles of them. She handed one to Sophie, then grabbed one for herself.

"Not as red as Dex turned when he saw Marella."

"Well, she did look insanely gorgeous. We all do. Showstoppers, all of us."

Sophie chuckled. She scanned the room and sipped on her punch, her gaze landing on someone and a smile appearing on her face.
"Someone's here," she sang.

Biana whipped around so quickly, she almost knocked Sophie to the ground.

Tam stopped in front of them, his cheeks already tinted pink.

"Hey," he said, his eyes only on Biana.

Sophie pursed her lips. "I'm just gonna... yeah, you guys aren't listening. Bye!"

She scooted off, heading to the stairs. She wanted to get to the balcony, so she could spy on them from a distance.

Wow, she was becoming Biana.


Eh, only for one night.

Sophie leaned over the balcony, picking out certain people from the cluster of prodigies. Fitz and Ellia were dancing in the middle... her gaze wandered to the punch booth, and her grin widened.

Tam had taken Biana's hand and was leading her to the floor, a bit away from Lylie, as Keefe liked to call Wylie and Lihn.

Speaking of Keefe...

"Yo, Foster!"

She turned.

Keefe strode toward her, looking extremely good in his fitted jerkin and undershirt. Red, of course.

Biana, a true schemer.

He stopped suddenly, his mouth dropping open. His eyes ran over her, lingering on her face.

Sophie brushed a strand of hair away from her face self consciously, then tugged at her eyelashes.

Then she remembered Biana had convinced her to apply a bit of mascara to her eyelashes, so she dropped her hand.

He snapped out of his stupor.

"Whoa. I mean, Foster, you look—" He stepped close to her, so the tips of his boots grazed her skirt. She tilted her head up.

"You, uh, look amazing, Foster. Like, really, really, really, amazing."

Sophie bit her lip, trying to keep the huge smile from bursting through at the shy compliment. "Thanks."

"What are you doing up here?" He asked, flicking an eyelash from her cheek.

Sophie tried to act casual, which was hard in such close quarters, and around an Empath. "Spying." 

Keefe smirked. "Biana's rubbing off on you, isn't she?"

Sophie laughed. "Maybe a bit."

He leaned over the rail next to her. His gaze landed on Dex and Marella.

"Ooh, Dizznee freaked, didn't he?"

Sophie laughed. "Oh, yeah. Cheeks went nuclear."

Keefe elbowed her, with a knowing grin. "Must be in the genes."

"You know we aren't actually related, right?" Sophie teased.

Keefe shrugged. His eyes wandered over the crowd—then stiffened.

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