19 : The Family

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Mild felt his world cracked down. His father and his best friend are on hospital and his Bro they don't know anything.

He sent all their men for looking for mew. They didn't find anything. No news. Nothing to calm their worries. Nothing to make them have hope in their hearts.

They had found the holicopter crashed in some forests. But there is no trace of mew.

It has been a week since that accident. Gulf is in hospital due to lack of nutrition and his dad his heart didn't bear all of that.

Their groubs got down on the market with the news of "Almost dead CEO"

Mild is really exhausted. He needs some rest but he knows he can't.

Gulf is now on a room with a blank face. He can't stop his tears. He kept crying and crying non stop.

His body became so weak that The doctors gave him many sedatives to make him sleep.

He refused to eat, so doctors gave him solutions for food supplements.

His dad came and tried his best toa make his son talk to him but he failed.
Gulf just turned and didn't gave him a look.

The dad felt his heart aches so much. He can't see his lil son like that. His charming son, his baby.... All silent and waek.

Mew's dad condition improved a little but he is still on te hospital. He just wants to see gulf. He knew the boy is in a bad state.

He regrets what he did. If just he listened to the boy, they won't be like that. He could have just cancel the journey.

All the family members are in such a bad period of time.

Will they be able to face it!?.... Will Gulf condition improve soon!?.... Is mew dead!?.... Who knows!?!?!??

Hi guys 👋👋👋❤️❤️
Hope u like it... I know it is short but I will apdate one today...
Tell me what u think happened to mew!?.....
Tell me your opinions in comments ❤️❤️❤️

TAMING My wifey ; Gulf (completed) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن