Chapter 11

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Leigh laid on her bed, naked underneath the bed sheets, her head resting on the palm of her hand, while the weight of her head was being supported by her elbow on top of the white pillow. She was staring deeply at Niall, who was lying beside her, the sheets covering most of his body, leaving his torso exposed to the rays of light coming from the windows in Leigh's bedroom. She couldn't take her eyes off him. Was this a mistake?, she thought. That thought has been pounding inside her head since yesterday. 

When Niall carried her to the bedroom, when he was removing his clothes, when Leigh could feel the rate of her heart beat increasing, as Niall hovered over her. His hands exploring every inch of her body, turning them two into a whole. Everything about last night felt magical but somehow Leigh felt guilty. There were at least 4 warnings last night from Leigh, telling Niall to be quiet, since May was still sleeping next door. Leigh wished Miss Simpson kept May in her own house, therefore Leigh could have gone as wild as possible. 

But she has responsibilities. But she could open an exception for Niall. He seemed worth it. Niall moved his head side to side, while groaning under his breath. He rubbed his eyelids and opened his eyes slowly, but closing them again once the sunlight hit his face. He moaned a little turning his body sideways, with his back facing the window. Once he couldn't feel the heat of the light on his face, he felt safe to open his eyes. He woke up to a smiling Leigh lying next to him. 

"Morning." She whispered and Niall gave her a cheeky smile. He ran his hand over her forearm and leaned towards Leigh, planting a soft kiss on her lips. Niall wanted to pull away, but Leigh caught the back of his neck and pressed her lips on his and deepened the kiss. Niall grabbed Leigh's waist and pulled her towards him. 

Their legs were tangled underneath the sheets and their chests were pressed against each other. Niall went from kissing Leigh's lips, to sucking bellow her chin. A moan escaped from Leigh's lips, as her hands brushed on Niall's hair, her fingers getting twisted in between his golden locks, that were actually brown locks. Niall confessed to Leigh that he wasn't really blonde. She laughed a lot, before coming hard after he went down on her. She ended up enjoying his hair even more, regardless of the color. 

"I really have to go." Niall whispered and kissed Leigh on the lips again. "But I don't want to leave. Not yet." Niall said and Leigh hugged him, as he kissed her neck, again and again. He was enjoying her smell and it was apparent that Leigh had a quick shower because she wanted to look perfect by the time Niall woke up. He had to find the strength to keep his hands off her. But it wouldn't be easy. 

"Well, you can stay and eat breakfast. I love to eat some good pizza in the morning and we have about an hour before I have to open the café." Leigh told Niall and she kissed his cheek and rubbed her nose on his chin. She couldn't stay away from him. He looked so beautiful in the morning and it was a great contrast of how dark and mysterious he looked at night. 

"Actually I have to go. You made me feel great. You know, maybe we can do this another time as well?" Niall asked and Leigh frowned at him. Why was he talking to her, as if he has had enough of her? Was he already through with her? Leigh could feel her heart skip a beat by the tone Niall was using to talk to her. It was a very dismissing tone, that made Leigh loathe herself. 

"Excuse me?" Leigh questioned him by staring at his face. She had a feeling of what he was going to say but she didn't want to fool herself. She couldn't just pretended that what Niall said didn't hurt her. It did and soon Leigh was bound to get more heartbroken. 

"Leigh, we have a connection, we really do, but honestly this was a one time thing and I hope we can do it more times. Whenever you have free time or I have free time. You understand it, right?" Leigh pushed Niall off her and she rolled out of his arms. She sat up on her bed and thought about the words that came out of Niall's mouth. 

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