The Tables Have Turned- Averman Imagine

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Averman's Pov
Y/n has been visiting her Grandmother for the last week and I've been dying to see her. I wish she was here. I miss her so much. "Dude, were you even paying attention in class?" Kenny asked me. "Nope. Now I know how Banks felt, " I mumble as we go to practice. The first thing Adam did was start singing, " Y/n and Averman sitting in a tree kissing. Wait no they're not because Y/n is at her Grandmother's. So poor little Lester has to be by himself. He has to take care of himself and have fun all on his own." "Shut up, " I grumble. "Hey don't get pissy with me. The tables have turned and payback's a bitch, " Adam says while laughing. I roll my eyes as we skate out. "Y/n, I love you. I miss making out with you on the couch, " Adam mocks as he skates out. I cut my eyes. "Okay that was the last one, " he says. After practice, there was someone by the locker room. It was Y/n. I grinned as I hugged her. I kissed her while everyone started singing the kissing tree song. I groaned as she laughed. "Are they making fun of this baby?" she asked. "Uh-huh, " I answer. "Does this make up for it?" she asks while kissing me. Boy did it ever make up for it.

A/n okay I know that it is extremely short, but I felt like if I added anything else it would be just like the Adam imagine.

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