Chapter 24: Season 2, Chapter 2

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I don't own High School DxD, or any of the other copy right stuff that may be included in this story.

I don't make any money off of it and only write this for my own enjoyment.

If criticism of religion bothers you, please don't read this story. Also, why are you reading DxD, a story which makes heroes out of devils, if criticism of religion bothers you?

All Serafall wanted to do was to get a few hours of sleep after a long and exhausting day.

"It's always a terrible day whenever I see that high and mighty angel bitch." Serafall angrily thought to herself.

Listening to Gabriel's lofty and condescending attitude was a normal occurrence whenever she was forced to deal with Heaven; however, lately something changed. When her sister and Sirzechs's missing son turned over Diodora Astaroth, not only were the Maōs provided with the location of three Excalibur Fragments, Serafall also received the means to show that 'Miss Perfect' wasn't so flawless after all.

It was the first time Serafall had ever been able to show up Gabriel and it was one of her most treasured memories. Therefore she was surprised that it happened a second time when Heaven contacted her nearly a week later, admitting that the Excalibur Fragments had been stolen despite her warning. Truthfully, Serafall would have loved to have gloated but the theft of the Excalibur Fragments coincided with the suspicions told to her by her sister: "Kokabiel will be arriving to Kuoh to assassinate the devils with a reforged Excalibur in an attempt to restart the war."

It also meant that another emergency meeting between the Four Great Satans would have to be held and lately Serafall felt as if they had been having too many of them: Rouge Fallen Angels in Kuoh, the creation of fertility enhancers that could save the Devil race, and the discovery of the Khaos Brigade being the most prominent examples. The workload of all the Maōs was becoming especially busy lately so none of them were thrilled when Serafall called for another emergency meeting, but that quickly changed when she began informing them of what she learned.

News of the theft of three Excalibur Fragments was especially alarming and the fact that exorcists from the Church were currently heading towards Kuoh made the situation even more dangerous. Sirzechs was quick to throw his support behind his sister, saying that she would be able to handle the situation on her own. It was an obvious ploy to give Rias a chance to improve her reputation, given the recent criticism she received in regards to how she claimed her victory against Riser.

However, Serafall wasn't willing gamble her sister's life in order to give Rias a second chance to prove that she could lead. So with that in mind, Maō Levithan let it slip that Sirzechs had already abused his authority by covering up the fact that Rias failed to inform Sona about the presence of Fallen Angels in Kuoh for a week so that she might turn one into her servant, consequently putting Sona's life in danger.

Ambrose, or Millicas as it were, was a member of the Gremory Clan and before his identity was revealed he held no standing with the Devil Nation. And while there was nothing the Maōs or the Pillars could do against Rias for actions against her nephew, Sona was not a member of the Gremory Clan. Endangering the life of a fellow peer from another Clan for personal gain was something that the Maōs could punish, and hiding the presence of Rouge Fallen Angels for a week in hopes to expand your peerage certainly fit the profile for that crime.

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