49 - reflection

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CW: mature content, smut

Athena jolted awake, screaming, gasping for air, choking on her tears. Her head was throbbing painfully, as if a spear had been pierced through her skull.

The bathroom door swung open and Draco rushed out, racing over to the bed and immediately reached out for her. She collapsed into his arms, gripping harshly at his robes that he was already dressed in for the day.

"You're okay. I'm right here, I've got you," he consoled, his tone calm and considerate. "Breathe."

His hand caressed her hair while she tried to catch her breath, the tears spilling from her eyes and falling onto his jacket. His left hand palmed her cheek and his thumb swept over the tears, then kissing them as they fell.


Her chest was heaving as the emotion ripped through her. Draco held her upright, enclosing his arms further around her in a comforting embrace. She tried to calm herself down, but couldn't manage to control her breathing.

"Athena, look at me."

His fingertips brushed her forehead when her eyes fixated on his. She studied his irises, the colours, the shades, the lighter and darker tones, the emotion she could see in them—concern and care.

Her hands found his face, pulling him forwards to crash his lips into hers. Her hyperventilating suddenly calmed as she deepened the kiss, melting further into his body.

Once she pulled away, he looked at her, bemused, a sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I should have stayed with you," he sighed.

She shook her head, furrowing her brows, trying to piece together what to say.

"No—that was—I'm ok. It's normal," she gave a weak smile of reassurance. "You don't have to worry, Draco."

His expression was weary, unconvinced. His thumb swept over her bottom lip, before he pulled her forwards and placed a kiss on the top of her head. His arms enclosed around her and she collapsed into his chest, breathing in his mahogany scent.

"I'll always worry about you," he sighed.


"Was it the same one?" he asked, loosening his hold and straightening up. "The recurring nightmare you talked about."

She searched her mind for a moment, trying to remember something from the nightmare. But there was nothing. She couldn't remember a thing.

"I-I don't know," she sighed in defeat. "I can't remember them anymore. I just feel—everything."

Her heart was aching dreadfully. Similar to the way she ached for him—but worse, so much worse it made her feel ill.

"They're that bad then—that you can't even remember them."

"I suppose. Perhaps my conscious brain wouldn't be able to cope with it—Oh— Yes, I briefly read about it somewhere," she trailed off into thought, suddenly recollecting the details. "When I was getting a lot of nightmares before, I read up about them. One of the books mentioned, when nightmares are so traumatic that the conscious mind wouldn't be able to cope with it, the mind shuts the memories down. Almost like a form of Occlumency, but the subconscious performs it automatically—without the need of control."

Draco nodded, his mouth curled into a frown.

"I'm glad I can't remember. I don't think I'd want that on my mind," she gave a half hearted chuckle.

She tore herself out of his arms, her head throbbing. The effects of the firewhiskey were still in her system, making her head feel light and queasy. The moment she stood up, her head rushed and she nearly stumbled over, but fell back onto the bed.

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