Chapter 4

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Authors Note: Thank you to everyone who has been patient with me! I had to get my school work done since Friday was the last day before Spring Break YAY! 🎉Anyways Thank you so much to everyone who has been sticking with me, please vote and comment and look at my profile to read other completed stories like this one! Thank you so Much ❤❤❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰

"Ko I'm scared" Y/n cries desperately grabbing at my arms as I carry her to the car.

"I'm so sorry Kotaro please don't be upset with me please I'm sorry" She cried into my shoulder.

"Y/n It's not your fault, I promise I won't be mad whatever happens I'll love you forever, I promised that in our vows" As I place her in the passenger seat, she wipes my tears. I'll be ok, she'll be ok, our babies are fine they're strong.

"How much blood was there Y/n"

"N-not m-m-much if I was on my p-period I would say a light flow stain, Ko I'm scared Did I lose these babies, If i did how will I live with myself Kotaro" Hearing Y/n's voice crack with fear and sadness, breaks my heart into pieces, the tears in my eyes well and blur my vision of the road in front of me, I quickly blink them away and press of the gas pedal.

My Pov:

"I need an ultrasound machine and a Doppler in here STAT" Dr. Gina shouts as Ko lays me down on the examination table, the nurses run and grab all the equipment needed.

" Mrs.Bokuro have you been experiencing any pain before this?" I nod

"Just mild cramps, I thought they were normal"

"We are going to do everything we can to ensure all three of your safeties" She smiles down at me.

A nurse hands her the doppler, the doctor spreads a cold gel onto my stomach and places it on my stomach, the room goes silent. After moving the wand around, then the thumping of the heart of our two children can be heard, smiles fill the room and tears fill my eyes as I look at Ko. Next the ultrasound machine is next to me with the black and white screen, and two blobs show on screen.

"Does everything look ok Doc?" Ko asks, wiping his tears.

"From what I'm current seeing everything looks fine, you get might have been spotting, 20% of women experience spotting during the first 12 weeks and in your cause it just happened right on the edge of your first trimester" I feel relief wash over every cell in my body and then I see Kotaro who takes a few deep breaths and kisses my hand.

"But I will be putting you on bed rest for 2 weeks and you will come back to see me in 3 weeks just to make sure everything looks normal" I nod and wipe the stream of tears from my cheeks.

"I'm going to keep you here for a few hours then I'll get you go home, you will be on bed rest" I nod and they take me to a different

"We are going to do some blood work when you come back so make sure to fast for 24 hours"

"Yes Ma'am"

"For the rest of your pregnancy I suggest you take it easy, no heavy lifting I would put you on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy but you have a ways to go and it's not high risk this is a low to mild risk pregnancy, if you feel any pain please come to me immediately, for your bed rest, eat enough and sleep enough, try not to get up if you need to use the bathroom I understand but other than that please stay in bed"

I open my mouth to respond but am interrupted by Kotaro "Yes ma'am I'll make sure she does all of those things"

~Later that night~

"Y/n Stay in the car, Wait" I sigh and I look through the rear view mirror and see Bokuto walk to the front door unlocking and opening it, he then comes to me opening the door and he scoops me out of the car and takes me in placing me in bed.

"Do you need anything, food, water, clothing anything what do you need"

"I mean some ice cream would be nice" I giggle.

"We have some left over" I nod and watch as he walks away.

I then gently take my pants off along with my hoodie.

Bokuto comes back with a tub of ice cream and a spoon.

"Thank you" He then walks over to the dresser and grabs me a pair of panties from my drawer, he walks over to me and gives them to me with the slightest tint of pink on his cute cheeks.

"Thank you Ko, Can I take a shower once I finish?" He nods

" You know I'm going to help you right"

" Bo I'll be fine, I can do it alone" I say, feeling the embarrassment plaster on my face, I'm an adult I can shower on my own.

" Noooo! I'm going to help you and why are you even embarrassed? It's nothing I haven' t seen before. Now is it Y/n, how do you think we got those 2 little owls in your belly" The smirk on his face says it all.

"KOTARO" The blush on my face becomes deeper and I give a bubbly laugh.

~Even later that night~

Bokuto's Pov:

Today I had the scare of my life, fearing the loss of the two lives Y/n and I created, it was so scary to think the thing that has brought us so much joy these past few weeks was the thing so close to being taken away. I look over at Y/n who is curled on her side into my side, her face at peace and not having a care in the world. I give her a kiss on the forehead and scoot down to her barley protruding belly. I already feel the emotion bubbling inside me and I feel my tears burn and blur my vision.

"You guys scared me so much today you know... you guys aren't even born and we love you both so much, I can't wait to teach you guys how to play volleyball and watch your games, but if you don't play volleyball that's fine too, I have to speak very quietly for your mommy, she's sleeping right now, but please don' t ever scare daddy like that ever again ok" I give Y/ns tummy 2 soft kisses, feeling the firmness on my lips. I wrap my around her waist bringing her closer to me. Today was a scary day, but it ended up being beautiful as well.

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