All in my Head

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"I've been running all my life. I ran from home, foster places, relationships. All of it. I am never gonna stop. It's the only thing I know how to do right." She stopped breathing. "So I'm gonna keep running. I will run through the mountains, the plains, the valleys. To get back to you."

I left Paris 4 days ago. I just started my journey to Gotham. My mom's parents live there so I will stay with them.

This is a whole lot of effort just to find Damian. It's been ages since we talked. The last time I saw him I was 14 and lived with him in Gotham.

If I'm honest, I miss the city. The constant arguing, shouting, broken beer bottles. It's all so magical. The only connection I ever had to my blood family was through my grandparents and my mother died when I was really young. Later in life, my grandparents got too old to watch a teenager and properly parent me so I was put into foster.

If I am being real, it wasn't too bad. I know that I really got a great experience from it because all the people that took me were nice. None of them abused me so I really enjoyed most of my families. One of the families I was adopted by was the Wayne family. I felt at home there but with the service I was in, no home was permanent. That's why, since I am 18, I am going to visit them. I plan on getting around to all of my foster families. Gotham is where it started, so I'm going there first. My plane just landed so now I'm going to see my grandparents and go to The Wayne's tomorrow.

Time Randomly Skips to Morning

Well, that was nice. I made cookies, watched The Andy Griffith Show, and sewed my grandma's dress. Now to the manor. Just left and took a shuttle train as a shortcut. It was nice and rusty. As expected from an old subway train in the air. I guess I will stop at the Panera to get something to eat before I go there. I walk in to the restaurant that is attached to the subway system and order soup and a smoothie.

As soon as I sat down to eat, The Joker comes in. Why would he rob here? This place isn't worth a penny. Anyways, he came up to me. I'm fearing for my life. I can't fight him. He is too unpredictable. "Hello, pretty girl. What are you doing here?" I gulp and clear my throat.

"I'm visiting family. They live here and I grew up here." He grabs his knife, laughing as he does. Like he just might stab me in the heart.

"You see, that's an ironic story. I came here because I wanted to kill my family. I took my dad by the neck, just last week. I grabbed a crowbar and had beaten him until he bled. I couldn't stop laughing. His crippled body was. . . just hilarious to me. It's too bad this is all in your head." Psychopath. "Now, do you want to see them again?" I nodded. The knife was to my pale neck. "Then I'll kill them too." He grazed my neck with the knife and blood spilt all over me. It cut deep. All of the sudden, he was knocked out. My vision was blurry and I couldn't hear. Everything was muffled. The only thing I clearly saw was Robin saving me.

The Next Day...

Where am I? These walls are familiar. They have this dull shade but it's cozy. The lights are dim. There are weapons on the walls. I remember! This is Tim's room! Why am I here now? I was at a restaurant and then. -How did I get here? "Hey Mari. You finally woke up." Adrien?


"What? No. Who's that?"

"Never mind.  How did I get here?"

"Beats me. You were in here when I was getting ready to sleep. I had to sleep on the couch downstairs. I came up here to get dressed."

"Oh, sorry. I can leave."

"It's ok. I'm done now. Anyways, why are you in Gotham? I thought you moved to Paris for a scholarship or something?" He asked and sat on the bed with me.

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