ignoring wave for 24 hours

40 3 47

wave; *sleep*

everyone else but wave; *sitting on carpet* 

tails; ok so tomorrows dare is to see who ignores wave the longest..

moon; *stops ignoring everyone* what you say now?

tails; we have to ignore wave for 24 hours

moon; piece of cake

team sss; i bet you 1b that moon gonna win *looks at each other* for once we agree on something

wave; *falls out bed but still asleep*

paige; so as soon as we wake up we start ignoring him

*the next morning* 

wave; *wakes up on floor* ......

moon; *cooking*

wave; morning people i care about

all; *ignores*

wave; hmm.......wow for once i expected yelling if you werent gonna be nice.......*walks in bathroom*

silver; this is so hard....

hades; not really....

silver; *jumps* who are you?

blaze; dude its hades


( not mine but its hades the hedgehog)

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( not mine but its hades the hedgehog)

wave; *walks to kitchen* btw ik yall are ignoring me

silver; HOW THE  HE-

wave; i can hear 3 hedgehogs yell on bets

silver; oop

wave; also silver is the first out

silver; shi-

hades; *covers his mouth* pls stop ruining your innocence

wave; soo for yall tryna "ignore" me imma make this weirdo challenge harder hehe

silver; welp good luck *sits on couch and watches*

wave; to make this more difficult imma annoy you till you break heh

hades; welp wave you win

all- shadow, moon, paige, blaze; WUT

hades; believe me......he the most annoying thing ever to exist..if you dont believe me then go in his mind also wave i wanna wager you into a bet.......

wave; what is it?

hades; if they win i get to expose your deepest secret *smirks* 

wave; .........i have none

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