chapter seventeen: acceptance

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(c.w: sexual content: rough, mild bondage.) 

Given the fact that Harry had left without waking her and saying goodbye, Scarlett was sure she'd done something wrong. She didn't have much to base his departure on. To be truthful, she was hurt but not really surprised. It was the first time they'd been in a bed together and perhaps that progression was the reason why he'd fled.

I like spending time with you.

And yet he left her to wake up by herself?

If it weren't for the fact that she could feel where he'd been between her legs, she'd doubt he was ever in her bed at all.

There was no trace of him, no discarded clothing, no bloodied rings on her kitchen counter. Her brain was reeling from this man, which was apparently a consistent pattern. Each additional drop of infatuation was followed by a tidal wave of confusion.

His softness towards her last night was soiled by his aggression. How he kissed her, held her, told her that he'd missed her while he was gone. It was almost as if the man that he'd beaten had reset him to his previous ways. Disgruntled, reserved. It had been a subtle shift, but it was in the air around him. He then had snapped when she pushed him, fucked her so hard as if to reassert his control.

It was a sunny Sunday morning in New York, the generous sunshine beamed through her apartment and melted her icy mood. Almost taunting her with the warm weather where she wanting to dwell in a stormy spirit.

Her phone dinged, loud and shrill. It shattered the tranquil shell of her thoughts and she snapped out of her sulking and reached for it. Seeing it was Melanie texting her only reminded her of Harry's concerns from the night before.

Will she try to take you away from me? Asked as if he wasn't the one pushing her away. She opened the text from Mel.

Where did you end up last night??

Long story. You free for a coffee?

You know it x

Scarlett met her best friend at their usual spot; a quaint café that had the best bagels either of them had ever tried. They delved into their food, sipping on their coffees and thanking the universe for the existence of caffeine.

Melanie held her head in her hands between bites, wearing her black framed sunglasses even though they were sat inside. The world was too bright for her fragile, hungover body.

"What did you do last night?" Scarlett smirked before taking a welcome sip of her steaming flat white, feeling the froth tickle her upper lip.

"Drank too much, that's what. Turns out Xander is better at handling his alcohol than I am."

"Oh, you hung out with Xander after we left?" Scarlett wasn't surprised, considering he told her he'd look after Mel. She was grateful, it seemed he was the only normal man in that establishment.

"Yep. It got weird, we had a threesome."

Scarlett almost spat her coffee all over the table. "What?!"

"I'm totally kidding, I went home not long after you did." Mel laughed and then winced as her head pounded. "Not a bad idea, though. What about you? Did Harry glare at you until you came or something?"

"Well, he fought a guy for me so I took him home and played nurse."

"Like a sexy nurse or..?"

"Nope, more like 'thanks for kicking that guy's ass for me, hey what is it that you actually do for a living?'"

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