Chapter 15

556 11 3

" cobra Kai whores + Demetri"

Kenzie: do any of you guys need a ride to training later?

Hawk<3: yes please.

Aisha😛: yes mam

Demetri🙄☝🏻: I would say yes but I don't do karate

Kenzie: I- alright then Jesus Christ.

Demetri: what🙄

Miggy😡: you always give me a ride.

Kenzie: i know🙄

Hawk<3: what the hell is going on?

Kenzie: BYE- BAHAHAHA how are you so slow-

Hawk<3: HEY not my fault ms. Diaz🙄

Aisha😛: anyways we have like 4 hours untill training you guys just wanna hangout untill then?

Kenzie: sure. You guys wanna go somewhere or hangout at hawk's house?

Hawk<3: I love how you Assume I'm going to let all of you into my house.

Kenzie: it's not like we've haven't been there before🧍🏼‍♀️

Hawk<3: let's just go to the beach or the park or something idk.

Kenzie: beach sounds good to me.

Miggy😡: sure we can go.

Aisha😛: okay.

Demetri: okay. Pick me up.

Kenzie: yeah no shit Sherlock

Demetri: that's a bad word🙄

Hawk<3: not you tryna flirt with my girl😐📸

Miggy😡: I- WHAT? Y'all are dating-

Kenzie: I- not really. It's complicated.

Hawk<3: how- anyways get your asses here.

Kenzie: love I'm already in the car driving to your house right now.

Demetri: so you're texting and driving?

Kenzie: why you always gotta ruin everything🙄

Aisha😛: anyways pick me up after hawk please. ALSO IM SITTING UP FRONT YOU GUYS

Kenzie: that's fine.

Miggy😡: uh-

Hawk<3: how dare she take my spot.


Hawk<3: chill.

Kenzie: I- y'all are sum else.

Demetri: I have to agree with Kenzie there but we should have a schedule you know for who gets to sit upfront.

Kenzie: that's not a bad idea actually-

Demetri: I know I'm smart.

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