Chapter 35

983 102 17

Day: 543

Days Left: 4937

Lives Saved: 2

Sumit reached the under-construction building that the water nymphs were kept in, what would eventually be Calixte's house. He knocked on the door. "It's Sumit," he called out.

"You can come in," replied Klei's voice.

Opening the door, Sumit entered the room, finding Klei sitting down against the wall, eating a bowl of food that Kai had given him earlier. The water nymphs no longer reached out in hunger as Sumit passed them by but continued to writhe in pain on the floor, gasping for breath.

"Don't want to join in on the fun outside?" asked Sumit as he sat down next to Klei.

The copper-haired man shrugged. "Not really my thing. Besides, I can't leave them here alone. Someone has to watch them at all times."

"Yes, but you do know that we have enough volunteers that it doesn't have to be you all the time, right?"

"I don't mind using my free time like this." Klei paused. "Why are you here? Sounds like everyone is having a 'blast' out there."

Sumit lowered his head, hesitating. "What if there was a way we could give the water nymphs food that won't break the deal?"

Klei sighed, biting down on his lip. "I may have already given them some of my meal. It wasn't much, just divided it between the four of us. It doesn't affect anyone else but me, so surely it shouldn't affect the deal."

"What if there was another way?" Sumit reached into his pocket and took out the fruit.

His eyes narrowing, Klei examined the waxy-black cocoon-shaped object in Sumit's hand. "What the fuck is that?"

"It's fruit," Sumit whispered. "Ivette has been growing them."

"Ms Ivette managed to grow something here?"

"It's edible. Not exactly the tastiest thing in the world, but it's very filling and nutritious. Just a small amount should help the nymphs."

"You sure this won't break the deal?"

"Ivette said it was fine since it's not part of the food supply officially."

Klei gave a look of hesitation before eventually taking the black fruit and examined it closer. "Alright," he said. "But I suggest we keep it amongst ourselves for now. Don't tell anyone else. Obviously, we can't tell Corinna since she's the one that started this whole compromise. Harmony and Calixte will tell her about it if they find out. Not sure we can trust Calanthe or Jackson either."

"What about Kai?"

"Kai's a blabbermouth. He's the last person you want to tell a secret to."

Sumit nodded. "Alright, Iet's keep it a secret."


Back outside, the music continued to play, and the prisoners continued to dance and sing along, learning the lyrics to the chorus of the songs, but no one could hold a candle to the voice of Daina.

Rin looked around, seeing everyone else laughing and smiling as they moved to the beat. Even Ivette, who was constricted to lying on her skateboard, had joined in, holding hands with Salim and swaying them. The only ones not participating was Princess Alfreda, who sat on a cushioned chair and wafted her paper fan, and Lili, who respectfully listened to her ward's comments about dancing and music.

Though Rin had never understood dancing and couldn't comprehend how it was enjoyable, Kai still praised her for trying something new at the very least. She moved her arms and legs awkwardly, stumbling as she followed Kai's lead and holding onto his hand and shoulder. The tempo was perhaps too fast and lively for a beginner as Rin felt like she had been dropped into the deep end straight away.

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