𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10: 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

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"Looks like we're back in business."

Sensei unlocked the dojo door and entered. Miguel followed behind closely, along with all the kids waiting outside. I decided to walk in last so I could get a good look at all the new kids.

Some big, some small. Some tall, some short. But one stuck out to me. My heart skipped a beat when we caught each other's gaze.

It was Eli.

My Eli.

I feel like I could melt as his grey eyes looked into my y/e/c ones. They sparkled like the shining moon in a dark sky full of stars. Neither of us looked away from each other. I was absolutely starstruck.

It's crazy, because even though I see him almost every day, he still always catches me by surprise.

He came up to me, with Demitri by his side. "Hey y/n/n." Eli said, still looking into my eyes. I didn't respond. Instead, I was still admiring him. That was, until Demitri waved his hand in front of my face. "Helloooo... earth to y/n..." Demitri said.

Demitri broke me out of my trance. "Oh, sorry I-" I started to say, before I stopped so I didn't embarrass myself further. "Look at you guys! You're here!" I said to them, putting my hand on Eli's shoulder. "Yeah, well I don't want to be here." Demitri said with an annoyed voice. "Eli forced me." Demitri said.

"Come on guys. You'll do great." I said to them, tilting my head towards the door for a second. Eli gave me a soft smile, and walked in; Demitri following behind. I was the last one in, so I shut the door.

I set my things down on the floor by the wall and grabbed by Gi out of my bag. I took my shoes off, and walked over to the bathroom to change.

After I changed, I made my way over to where my friends were all standing. "Hey guys!" I said to the group. They all smiled and gave a little 'hello' gesture. "So! Are you guys ready?" I asked Eli and Demitri as I went into a fighting stance and pretended like I was gonna punch Demitri.

"No. I can't believe I'm here. This goes against everything I stand for. This is like, extra gym class, for no reason." Demitri said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Let's just give it a chance. You saw the fight. Y/n and Miguel kicked ass." Eli said quietly to Demitri.

"Demitri, don't be a-" I started to say before Sensei yelled loudly. "QUIET!" He yelled. "Face front."

Everyone stood to face him. Aisha, Miguel, and I all stood next to each other. I looked to see Eli and Demitri standing far from us. I looked at Eli and jerked my head to the side, meaning for them (mostly Eli though) to come stand next to me. Eli saw this and quietly moved up to stand next to me.

Sensei started to walk in between all the students to get a good look at everyone. He looked around before his eyes landed on Demitri. "Nice shirt." Sensei said. Demitri let out a surprised "Thanks!". To which Sensei responded, "I'm joking, it sucks."

I tried my hardest to keep in my laugh. I saw Miguel and Aisha holding in their laughs too, but Eli just looked nervous. Probably because he's usually the prime target for people looking to put someone down. Sensei let out a few more rude remarks before he walked back up to face us all.

"I need to see where you're at. So everybody, fall in!" Sensei yelled. Me, Aisha, and Miguel just fixed out posture a bit because we were already in place. Everyone around us though, looked around in confusion. "That means line up!" Sensei yelled.

Everyone nodded their heads and started to get into three big lines behind Aisha, Miguel, and I. Eli lined up behind me, so I grabbed his arm softly and pulled him to stand next to me again. "No, not... not line up in a line. Lines! Get in lines." Sensei yelled to everyone.

Me and You // Eli Moskowitz / Hawk x Reader Where stories live. Discover now