thirty five

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BUCKY HAD TO admit, he was kinda upset when he didn't wake up to see alexa by his side, especially on his birthday. he rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking around the room. he looked at alexa's side of the bed, seeing a note on her pillow. he picked up, seeing her neat handwriting.


by the time you read this, im assuming that i have been up for a good two hours, and you know i'm not a morning person but i'd do anything for you. i know you would have liked to wake up with me next to you, but i have a little surprise for you this morning. i'll see you when you wake up, hope you can find me:)


he smiled softly and slipped out from under the covers. he grabbed a shirt and threw it on before leaving the room. he saw the decorations in the seemingly empty kitchen, and the tall stack of what looked like homemade blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes with eggs and bacon, the breakfast his mom would make for him when he was younger.

he walked closer to inspect the kitchen, only to be shocked by steve and alexa jumping up from behind the counter, throwing confetti at bucky.

"i'm sorry did we give the old man a heart attack?" alexa teased, steve laughing. bucky chuckled, shaking his head.

"the old man is okay. you two are crazy." steve and alexa walk towards bucky, embracing him in a group hug.

"you love us anyway. happy birthday buck." the three released the hug, bucky kissing alexa softly. he the turned to steve, who hugged him tight again. they then released the hug, steve and alexa watching bucky inspect the food on the counter.

"steve told me how your mom would make this every year for you on your birthday, so we decided for your first official birthday in almost seventy years to bring back some good memories." bucky faced the two, smiling softly.

"thank you, i love you guys." steve and alexa smiled back at him, alexa ruffling his hair as they sat on either side of him.

"we love you too james, now dig in before sam comes back from working out realizes we ate this without him."


"barnes! happy birthday!" tony was the first one to wish the super solider a happy birthday from the kitchen when he and alexa walked into the living area. soon enough, everyone wished him a happy birthday. bucky couldn't remember the last time he's felt this appreciated.

"thank you everyone." he grinned, him and alexa taking a seat on the couch.

"i don't know if you two love birds got anything going on tonight but we always do cake and presents together so alexa hope you didn't forget." alexa gave tony a look, shaking her head.

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