Part 8

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Last time we lift off with thor telling the yagi family about gor the god butcher and how his upcoming battle will take place he then healed all might and put a fixation on his quirk to stop it from being reduced this made all might go to his prime as he was now stronger than the time he fought all for one as one for all had only grown in the 5 years but all might's body was unable to handle that much power but now he can handle the power, 

thor also gives izuku a book about the weapons of asgard and the rune which can be used by izuku for some basic magic after this izuku and all might go practice out their new powers with all might and izuku both unlocking black whip and meeting the 4th user to whom black whip belonged they didn't go to the one for all realm 

but instead went to Valhalla where they discussed the quirk copying aspect of one for all in this time period izuku can use a bit of the runes to heal someone and to create force field and see peoples past and feel their feelings but he needs a little focus for this. 

We skip 2 days of them honing their abilities until the day of the hero 101 class there izuku was talking to momo with telepathy as momo was talking to shoto as well, seeing momo blush shoto thought momo was blushing towards him but his imagination was cut short with izuku telling him "she's blushing because I am talking to her with my telepathy so focus on class". Shoto then says "sorry for misreading the situation you two carry on", izuku says "no problem" and he then asks momo "if she would..", 

but suddenly all might came through the door shouting "I am walking through the door like a normal person", everyone except bakugo, momo, uraraka, ida, shoto and izuku say "wow it's all might". All might was then going to say something, but izuku cuts him off saying "dad could you have been 1 minute late". 

He then switches to telepathy and tells all might "i was going to ask momo out", all might then speaking normally says "I am sorry my boy, I was just excited to teach the new generation of heroes, so today we will be doing a battle training now a hero needs to look cool so get your uniforms" 

as 19 case pop out of the wall as all might says "everyone grab your costume and meet me at ground alpha", they all change into their costumes except izuku as he walks there in his uniform everyone asks him "why aren't you wearing your costume" izuku then says "I wanted to show it to you all as" he puts out his hand and calls the hammer as soon as the hammer arrives in his hand he is struck by lightning and when the lightning fades he is standing there wearing thor's costume from infinity war without the scales on the arm and the cape but he still has those arm bands that thor has. 

Everyone is amazed at this except bakugo, todoroki and all might. They ask izuku "what is that costume made of and how did he change the clothes", izuku then replies saying "the costume is made of uru metal the strongest in the universe and I can magically summon my costume at will". All might then coughs and says "so now shall we start"

Iida then asks all might "what will we be doing" all might then says "we will do indoor battle exercise to help you prepare for a fight if it ever occurred inside a building or a secret lair, now I know it may be a bit too much for the 4th day of school but a hero is someone who can adapt to any situations now I have already picked the teams" 

the teams are bakugo and todoroki, momo and izuku and the rest are the same except shoji is now with ida and uraraka is with mineta.

 All might then says "the villains (which are bakugo and todoroki) go in and place the bomb, while the heroes wait outside" izuku talks with momo saying "so what's our plan", momo then replies "you don't have one", 

izuku then says "well I think you are very intelligent so I kinda wanna hear your take on the situation", momo then says "okay so I have a plan it only works if you use your hammer", izuku says "go on I'll use it". "The plan is for you to go straight in while I climb up the side of the building with a grapel and enter through the roof I sneak attack bakugo making him trip in that moment you place your hammer on his back I think he should be immobilized as he will not be able to lift the hammer as he must be unworthy after that we deal with shoot", 

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