Part 9

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We left off with izuku telling everyone to get back as there was a villain attack, as we saw 5 people walk out of a portal being 2 nomu's one being the usj one and the other covered in a black sludge being the hood nomu whom endeavor fought, shigaraki and two asgardians.

Now we pick up with shigaraki talking "so this is the usj and all might is here good, now we can kill you, you see all might these two birds were made to kill you and these two asgardians are here to kill your son". 

All might says "you won't succeed villain why because I am here", as all might was about to jump in the battle izuku stops him, saying "dad you will take on the bird creatures one of them is covered by a symbiot dad I want you to kill the creatures as soon as possible but leave the symbiot", all might and aizawa says "we can't kill them", izuku with a face of pity and sadness says "they were once humans and now they are made into monsters they are in pain they are begging to be relieved we have to save them and that's the only way". All might sighs "I will do it what will you do", izuku while preparing a rune barrier and places it on his class and 13 saying "no one will be able to get to them even with teleportation and now aizawa you handle the small thugs while I handle the asgardians", 

aizawa says "fine just stay safe problem child", as he charged at the normal thugs while all might jumps to fight the nomus while izuku tells the class "stay here you will be overpowered if you go out, now I am also going" he said as he joined the battle and charged at skurge, skurge throws the axe towards izuku at very high speed, 

izuku barely dodges the axe as the axe cut his cheeks, as izuku then goes to his side and hits him with the hammer in the face sending him flying into the wall and he then turns his attention to enchantress and is about to send lightning at her and almost succeeds but the lightning hit a barrier and stopped izuku was about to hit the barrier with the hammer to crack it but his hand was caught by skurge who throws izuku away and asks enchantress "if the boosting spell is ready" 

enchantress says "yes now you will keep on getting stronger the more I keep channeling the power", skurge says "good" then he calls the axe back and swings it at izuku, izuku blocks the axe with the handle of molnir and then use black whip to hold skurge by the arm and swing him at all might saying "dad I have a ball for you" all might then pushes the nomu back and kicks skurge back at izuku, izuku then fills miolnir with lightning and hits skurge in the rib breaking 2 ribs and sending him flying at the stairs he then leaps at skurge and lands a powerful hit on his back knocking him down, 

izuku thinks he knocked him out and head to enchantress and hits the barrier but is unable to break it so he quickly thinks that if he can't enter the barrier form any side he can still enter it from the ground so he leaps up and throws the hammer in the ground and is about to call it from underneath enchantress and hit her but he is tackled by skurge. 

they get into a wrestling match and izuku and skurge are going hard at it like all might and the nomu from the canon but skurge keeps on getting stronger so izuku uses 100% lightning charged smash and hits skurge back then he runs at him and skurge gets up and runs at izuku, 

izuku then jumps on skurge and uses his as a platform to do a front flip over the barrier placed by enchantress and as he was directly above the barrier he holds his hand out calling miolnir as miolnir came out of the ground beneath enchantress it hit her and knocked her out stopping the boosting spell seeing this sigaraki runs away izuku then turns towards skurge and he goes beside him and he pulls his fist back and uses 100% one for all and lighting combined with super speed and is about to hit skurge in the chest, 

now I want to say something the thing is all might and izuku never use super speed in attacks they only use super strength but if they also use the speed the attack becomes more powerful as the mass increases and so does the force so just wanted to say this. Now before izuku hits skurge, 

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