dating josh richards

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•him calling you baby ,sexy ,mammas ,cutie

• ur always the one rolling or going to get the vapes

•you always play with his hair
"baby play with my hair "
"please it calms me down "

•him always grabbing ur waist or pulling u back by ur waist

•taking buddy for walks

•watching family guy, rick n morty or the simpsons

•he always tackles u on the bed then tickles u
"watch out watch out BAM "
"owww josh ffs"
"what did u just call me huh "
"no don't u dare "
he starts to tickle u

•tiktoks r a must

• he puts you in youtube videos

•ft's u when ur back home
"i miss u baby "
"i miss you more joshy "

• kisses always
"gimme a kiss "
"no "
" wdym no "
" no "
" umm yes "
he pecks ur face and neck until u give in

•takes u to canada with him

• u have a great bond with all his family

•u n olivia r like bsfs

• always take his tshirts or jumpers

• play with buddy all day

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