Chapter 5 - Calling Cards

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You watch as Loki uses his seidr to dress himself. Once in his Asgardian robes, he grabs the bag you had packed the night before from the floor, and nods to you before heading to the living room.

You move quickly to your closet, thumbing through your options. Jeans, leggings, sweaters, a few sundresses. When suddenly your hand brushes against a familiar black material. Smiling, you pull out your old Avenger's uniform from the very back. You stare at it for a moment, a warm nostalgia flooding your heart. 

Sliding off your sweater, you take a few moments to step into your gear. It's been two years, so you're relieved to find that although tight, it still fits for the most part. Sliding Tony's bracelets back on your wrists, you then slip into your boots. 

You turn to make your way towards your son's bedroom, when a sudden thought occurs to you. Moving back towards your nightstand, you pull open the drawer, and rummage around until you see that recognizable golden shimmer in the back. Reaching in, you pull out Loki's ribbon.

You smile as you run it through your fingers. Over the years, it has begun to fray at the edges, and has lost some of its brilliance. But that makes it no less beautiful. 

Pulling your hair into a ponytail, you use your golden ribbon to tie it into place. Glancing in the mirror hanging on the wall, you can't help the smile that spreads across your face. 

It's been a long time since you've seen the real you.

Finally fully dressed, you make your way towards Anthony's door, cracking it and peering in. You spot a bundle of blankets laying still in the crib. You raise a brow, perplexed. It's rare that Anthony isn't up yet.

Flicking on the small lamp near the door, you speak softly to your son.

"Good morning baby, it's time to wake up," you coo, walking over to the blinds and opening them to allow in the early morning light peeking out above the horizon.

Turning to move to the crib, you smile and speak to Anthony once more.

"Wake up, little one," you hum softly. But as you near, your brow furrows and your breath catches in your chest.

The mass of blankets in the crib is too small. 

Something is wrong. 

Your blood runs cold, and adrenaline rushes through your body.

You slowly reach one hand down and pull back the covers, letting out a piercing, panicked scream when you find nothing beneath them.

Your son is gone.

Time slows and your vision begins to fade, narrowing to a pinprick as the icy tingles of fear wash over you. You can't hear anything past the pounding of your heart in your ears as you look upon the empty crib. 

There is nothing. Silence. 

Frozen, you don't even realize you're screaming until Loki is at your side in a flash of green, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you gently. You see his eyes searching yours and watch his lips move, but you don't hear any sound.

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