The Mind Stone

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"Name and status." One of the doctors said.

"Jean Maximoff. Volunteer." Jean muttered. "Step forward."  the same annoying doctor said.
"So I just..." Jean mutters barely audible. As she was standing only a feet away from the floating stone a bright yellow light emitted from the stone. Jean couldn't help but feel a connection with it. Like she was meant to touch the light and let it embrace her. As she got closer she could see a woman coming out of the light. Even though Jean couldn't see the woman she felt drawn to her. Soon everything began to grow blurry and the world was suddenly black.

When Jean woke up she found herself in another room except now it was like an illusion. Suddenly she could hear her name being called telling her to let go. So she did. She could feel the power in her body waiting to be unleashed. She kept it to a minimum though. Who knew what she'd do when she unleashed all of it.

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