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Dade laid down on her bed smiling.

Elliot was back and nothing could make her feel better.

She sighed in content and rolled onto her sighed holding her phone.

Elliot said he'd call when he got home.

Dade decided to message Alice while she waited.

Dade☆: hey

Alice responded incredibly fast which Dade was used to.

Alice♡: hi! What are you doing?

Dade☆: waiting for Elliot to call me. What about you?

Alice didn't respond for several minutes which confused Dade because she saw her message.

Finally, she heard a ding come from her phone.

Alice♡: hello Dade:)

Dade☆: hello Alice:)

Alice☆: this is Jasper. I stole her phone because she wouldn't play soccer with me and Emmett:(

Dade burst out laughing and started typing.

Dade☆: may I talk to my girlfriend?

Alice♡: no:)

Dade☆: jasper give Alice her phone.

Alice♡: hi Dade

Dade sighed and started typing a small smile on her face.

Dade☆: who is this?

Alice♡: take a guess. I'm super hot:)

Dade☆: oh hey Carlisle.

Alice♡: Dade!! It's Emmett!! That was gross.

Dade☆: I know. Now can you please hand Alice phone back-

Dade stopped typing, she felt some presence in her room.

A white figure flashed past Dade in the corner of her room.

Her room shifted into an icy coldness, somehow it started turning darker.

Goosebumps covered her arms and thighs, the hairs rose on the back of her neck.

She stared at her dresser, her eyes squinting at the dark corner.

"Hello?" She called out.


Dade stared at the corner, her breathing becoming unsteady.

She rubbed her eyes with her fingers and sighed.

When she opened them again, she saw, unmistakably, a dim figure in the corner of her room.

Her breathing stopped as she stared at it. Her fingers shook slightly.

All she could make out was a tall, slightly muscular man.

"Child....need...pull...stronger..." it whispered, its voice breaking off like a phone call that keeps cutting out.

Dade's eyes widened, she took a sharp breath in

"You're a ghost?" She asked.

The figure flickered but came back.


Dead Girl~☆Alice Cullen☆~Where stories live. Discover now