Chapter 3

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Grouchy falled down, down, down, and crashed into a snowman. He got up, and there was the head of the snowman on his face. It was quite dark now, and everything has changed.

"Nice of you to drop in," said the voice.

Grouchy flurred the snow out of his face. He knew the voice.

"Brainy?" he asked.

"I'm afraid you're incorrect," it said. It was Brainy, but not the normal Brainy. He was wearing a green robe, with a holly and candles on his head (check out the pic!).

"For I am the Smurf of Christmas Present." the Spirit said.

"Then where are the presents?" asked Grouchy.

The Spirit ignored his question, because it knew that Grouchy wanted a Christmas Present.

"I'm here to show you how your hatred of Christmas is going to affect the whole village," said the Spirit.

"What are you talking about?" Grouchy asked.

"All I did was putting up some decorations. Papa would make me put a star on top of the tree."

"Every action, no matter how small, has a reaction," said the Spirit. Then it lifted one of its candles and pointed towards one direction.


Then, Grouchy saw the Chef, carrying a decoration box, saying something. While he said this, the spirit said,

"Because you decided not to help decorate the tree, Chef had to step in and had to help with the ornaments, instead of baking his traditional Gingersmurf Cookies."

Then it rapidly started to write something with its candle, which Grouchy couldn't understand.

"Which had an expotentional effect on the rate of Christmas Cheer per Smurf," the Spirit continued, writing.

"That when multipled by the square root of total..."

The Spirit stopped writing. It saw Grouchy, stood motionless, looking upon the writings which the Spirit wrote. It sighed.

"Grouchy, why do I bother?" asked the Spirit, putting the candle back in the place.

"Just watch."

Then the shadow rewinded to the beginning. The Chef ran with the Christmas Decoration box, crying,

"I have the Christmas Decorations!"

Then he threw the box exactly where Clumsy were. He saw the box, then he held out the yellow decoration.

"Ah, the Star on top of the tree!"

He said, excitedly. He looked around.

"Oh, but Grouchy isn't here," he said. Then he seemed to had an idea. He began to walk towards the tree, saying that he will put the star himself!

"No, Clumsy!"

Said the other Smurfs. But it was too late! Clumsy fell over the box, and the Star crashed with the lightbulb that hanged on the lamps, and each lightbulb began to pop! And there was a mess! The stockings fell over, burning because of the fireplace near it. Then, the ladder began to fell, the Christmas tree fell, and rolled right into the fireplace! The fire went down. And there was silence.

"Well, at least the fire is out," said Clumsy, with a mild laugh. But it was not! The fire burned the Christmas Tree also! Everyone gasped.

"Out of the way, Smurfs!"

Cried the Smurf, getting a bucket of water. Soon, the fire went down, the Christmas Tree has turned into a cold, black ash.

Everyone was sad.

"This wouldn't have happened if Grouchy were here," said Smurfette, clasping her hands together.

The Smurf of Christmas Present and Grouchy saw this.

"Every Smurf plays an important part, you see?" asked the Spirit.

"Yeah, I see." said Grouchy, with a frustrating voice.

"Not yet, you don't!"

The Spirit said, shooking its head, then it pushed Grouchy's hat to cover his eyes. He groaned, pulling his hat back. Then the magic happend. The place has changed into the room.

"There we are! Now it's just the way Greedy likes it," said the voice.

"With a little pocket inside, to keep extra Smurfberries."

Grouchy knew the voice. He saw the Smurf carefully checking each Smurf's hat, with happiness.

"And Taylor would be delighted with the extra-large, built in pin cushion."

It was Papa Smurf.

"Papa makes all of our hats himself?" Grouchy asked.

"And crafts each one to make the particular needs of every Smurf," answered the Spirit.

"Takes him all year."

Grouchy's face turned a little.

"Grouchy, I made a hat I know you'll love," said Papa Smurf, grabbing Grouchy's new hat.

"If only you give it a chance. Oh, maybe this year."

He just watched Grouchy's hat, with a sorrowful eyes.

"Papa, I didn't know."

Said Grouchy, feeling sorry for him. But Papa just turned away. Grouchy regreted himself.

"He can't hear you," said the Spirit, lifting one candle.

"It's time to go."

Then it blew the light away, and instantly disappered into the night.

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