Skittery X Reader: Good Morning, Darling!

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Skittery opened his eyes and looked at his (gf/bf/partner). He was so happy that he had the courage to ask (Him/her/them) out before someone else did. He stands up and makes sure that (he's/she's/they're) comfortable. Skittery pulls on some pants and walks down the stairs. Pulling some bacon out of the freezer and gets a pan out of the cabinet. Humming a song he had heard a few days before, he didn't see his (bf/gf/partner) walk down the stairs, wrapped in one of his t-shirts. 


(Y/N) woke up and felt a missing presence. (He/she/they) smelt bacon and crept down the stairs. (He/she/they) wrapped (his/her/their) arms around Skittery's waist and pressed a small, tired kiss on the back of his neck. 


"Good morning, Darling," Skittery turned around, and picked (him/her/them) up and placed her on the counter. "How did you sleep?"

(Y/N) yawned and leaned her head on (his/her/their) hand. "Morning, Skitts. I slept alright. It was a little cold when you left."

Skittery pecked (his/her/their) nose. "I am sorry you were cold, but I see you found my shirt!"

Smiling sleepily, (Y/N) kissed Skittery's nose back. "What can I say? It smells good," (He/she/they) wrapped (his/her/their) arms around his neck and rested (his/her/their) head on Skittery's shoulder. 

"Do you want to go back to bed, Darling? I can carry you back upstairs if you want."

(Y/N) shakes (his/her/their) head. "I'm okay. Do you smell something burning?"


"Well, I think it's safe to enter the house now. What were you trying to do?"

Skittery blushed. "Make a plate of bacon."

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