Spelmer: The Monsters in my Mind

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Spot was lying awake in bed, just looking around the room. He noticed a small leather notebook under his boyfriends' pillow. His muscular arm reaches for the notebook and he opens it up. Inside it a series of horrifying stories that were so vivid and real. Spot felt a tear come to his eye and he couldn't stop it from falling down his cheek. He read the pages through the night and wonders how Elmer could write like that. Elmer was Spot's ray of sunshine and he didn't want Elmer to think like that. 

Hours passed and Elmer finally woke up for work. He saw Spot reading his dream log and grabbed the book from Spot.

"Spot, how long have you been up?" Elmer asked sleepily. "How much of this did you read?"

"What is that?" Spot asked, running his hand up and down Elmer's arm.

Elmer shudders and grabs a pen. "These are my monsters. The monsters in my mind."

"Ellie," Spot pulled Elmer into his lap. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" he asked, tears streaming softly down his cheeks. 

"I didn't want you to worry," Elmer kissed the tears off of Spot's face. "I guess that was the wrong choice."

Spot nodded, leaning into Elmer's touch. "I think we should talk about this today. I want to know what you dreamed about last nigh, for reals."

Elmer told him about his monsters. He was chased by his ex-boyfriend and he was cornered. He was stuck in a room with no food or water until he finally died of thirst without being able to say goodbye to everyone he loved.

"Babe, I," Spot's voice shook. "I didn't know. If you ever have a nightmare like that, please wake me up."

Elmer nods. "I'm going to get ready for work so that I'm not late. I love you Spotty," he plants soft kisses all over Spot's face before walking into the bathroom to get ready for the day.


Hey everyone!

I know this isn't that good but I was very bored at 2:50 in the morning. Thanks for 4.6k reads! I say this every time, but I can't believe that y'all read my bullshit and actually like it! 

I love you guys so much!


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