Meeting the boys

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Chico: Meow!

Azara: What is it Chico:

Chico: Meow! Meow! Meow!

Aliza: Oh! Sorry to be rude guys but boss is calling us. We will be back as soon as possible. You guys just explore the ship, just don't break anything.

With that the two girls left with Chico leaving the princes and princesses to talk.

Jirou: I don't know about you guys but I have a weird feeling that these guys are hiding something from us.

Mina: Oh thak god I'm not the only one!

Momo: What do you mean, so far they have been really nice to us.

Bakugou: Yeah what are you talking about extra, so far they haven't tried to attack us.

Jirou: Like I mean How did they even afford this boat like it's literally twice the size of Momo's family boat and not to mention did you see their clothes. Those looked like they were made of pure silk.

Shoto: I mean she is right.

Tsu: How about we look around the ship, maybe there are some clues to who this ship actually belongs to and maybe we can figure out who these others are that Azara and Aliza are talking about.

And so the princes and princesses split into groups. They looked around for a while before meeting up at the upper level of the ship.

Hagakure: enyone find enything?

Jirou: Nope.

Kiri: Nothing.

Mina: I found nothing.

Ochaco: I did find a painting of a man earlier but I don't think that helps.

Bakugou: What did the man look like?

Ochaco: He looked to be in his early 30s, white hair, red eyes, oh! and he also had freckles.

Jirou: I also found nothing except a huge library.

They just kept talking untill they heard a huge thump. When they looked to the direction of the noise they saw two boy's one on the floor and the other screaming.

???: Denki Kaminari, How many times do I have to tell you that this behaviour is unexeptable!

The princes and princesses just stayed quiet and looked at the two boy's. The boy on the floor who they assumed was Denki looked about their age. He had bright yellow hair with a a streak of black in it along with yellow glothes and armor and a red bandana. The other boy who was giving Denki a rant was a boy also about their age with a strong body structure and blue hair, eyes and clothes and black glasses.

Mina: Um Hello?

The two boy looked at the princes and princesses and the one on the floor quickly got up brushed the dust off himself and the two boys quikly bowed

Both boy: Your majesty's!

Mina: Wou! Wou! Wou! Boys, no need to be so formal.

Momo: Yeah! And you can just call us by our real names. But I assume you are Denki? *points to Denki*

Denki: Yep, that's me! I'm Denki Kaminari, I am the boat fixer in case the boat has leeks in it and also a guard in training.

???: And I am Tenya Iida the ships second in command and also a guard in training.

Hagakure: Wait! Iida! As in Tensei Iida aka the pro guard Ingenium?

Iida: Yep, Thats my older brother!

At that point Azara and Aliza had come on to the upper deck with Chico closely behind them.

Azara: *giggle* I see you have met the others already.

Kiri: *Let's out a small chuckle* Yeah! Wait, if Azara is the ships healer, Denki is the boat fixer, Iida is second in comand and Aliza is a warrior then who is the captain of this ship?

???: That would be me sir Kirishima.

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