Chapter Fourteen

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"My son, my daughter, good rising to the both of you," the king's gruff tone booms, it bounces off each wall of gleaming marble inside the arena.

I tread lightly towards furthest corner of room and stand with arms folded to my backside -head bowed in silent submission.

"Good rising, father, mother," both siblings respond in harmony.
"There are two matters of concern your mother and I wish to discuss with you. Amir, it has been well over sixteen weeks and you are yet to concern yourself with the retrieval of the copper ores from Raiz Kingdom."

I turn head, look upon Amir only for the briefest of moments. He appears jaded, his jaw ticks, his head tilts ever so slightly, all traces of jolly dissipated. I look to the floors once more, blink, swallow.

"I am well aware, father. At day break, I shalt be sending men from the army as well as mines' men to commence the mining."
"How many pounds are we of likelihood to retrieve, Amir? Weaponry is of vitality."
"A good amount if I do say so myself. There is no need for worry, father."

"Mhmm, I shalt take your word for it. I received word from one of the messengers. Taiqath Kingdom has landed upon yet another turquoise mining site to the east of their lands."
"That so? I shalt make arrangements to pay the king a visit. Need to make a few negotiations with the old lad."
"Spoken my thoughts," the king speaks his response.

I truly cannot begin to fathom the royal family's obsession with more wealth. The lands are fertile, blessed by the heavens, overflowing with indigenous plants of all sorts. The soils are productive. The rains are adequate for cultivating a variety of subsistence and cash crops. The kingdom has two oil mining sites, three titanium mines, several sites for the extraction of iron, gold, silver and onyx too. Now I comprehend what they say about the wealthy seeking to grow richer.

"Servant, go fetch us some more grape wine!"

The queen's voice is like a screeching noise, it pierces so mercilessly into the calm of the arena. Oh, how so very ironic that a chamber as exquisite and divine as such should lack -at the very least- a single pitcher of wine. Still, I scurry away, take short quick steps down a labyrinth of halls and down a series of tiring spiral steps- into the large kitchen area where broth is stirred and thick gravy bubbles in a large pot.

"Good evening, Yalifa."

I look upon the young lass no more than forty winters and she looks back upon me, precious smile curving onto her chapped lips. Dehydration it must be. I crack a small smile. She remains among the few Akhila servants who still treats me as human.

"Good evening, Mali. The queen has sent me to fetch some grape wine."

She nods whilst she reaches for a gold-coated pitcher, rests is upon silvery tray, proceeds to rest two wine flutes atop the tray also, hands it over to me.

"No wine pitchers in the royal chambers today?"
"Appears so."
"Well, I should speak with Khalia on the matter."

I can only offer a simple nod before spinning on my heel and proceeding for the exit. And up the flights of steps and down corridors I tread. I come upon the entry way of the royal arena where I inhale a nervous breath. Grace be my salvation now.

I swallow, push past the hefty drapery that dangles by the wide mahogany doors, pad down the scarlet carpet aisle till I come upon the table of finely polished wood that glimmers beautifully under the illuminations of a thousand scented candles. I set tray upon wooden surface, pour fine wine into first flute and tentatively hand it over to the king himself. Only for the briefest of moments do I gaze upon the man.

Little creases upon his forehead, eyes of a peculiar lavender, skin so pale, well-defined cheekbones beneath beard. I blink and avert my gaze once I catch Amir staring stoically upon me. I need not get my foot stuck in the mud. I work to pour the thickness of drink into empty flute -tipping pitcher and filling.

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