The Third Task

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Hari ran into the maze, tripped and died!

Jk.. happy april fools! trust no one

The ginormous hedges were tall on either side of her, casting dark dark shadows across the path, if not for Krum running just ahead of her, Hari would have thought she was entirely alone in the world.

They came across a fork, going different directions and Hari felt so very alone.

After several minutes, her path still seemed to be void of obstacles but Hari kept her wand in her hand, prepared for anything. The smoky sky was getting darker, as was the maze.

She reached a fork, taking out her wand she laid her wand flat on her palm and hissed #Point me to my destination as the winged one flies.# it spun on her palm before pointing more to the left, Hari followed it.

She knew there was a similar spell that the other champions would probably use which was simply pointed north, but there were no rules about parslemagic. Probably because though it was very powerful, it was incredibly rare.

Hari kept glancing behind her, she felt as though she was being watched, it was a strange feeling, one she didn't like at all.

After quite some time, Hari had still encountered no obstacles. The maze seemed to be luring her into a false sense of security, then she saw it, in a wider trail ahead stood a blast ended screwt. It was massive and smoking. Having no clue how to face it, Hari doubled back to the last of twenty or so turns and took the other path.

She turned a corner and a dementor glided towards her. Towering over her, its face hidden by its hood, its rotting scabbed hands outstretched, it advanced, sensing its way blindly toward her.

Hari felt the cold but knew what she had to do, imagining Christmas with Draco, she concentrated #I await a guardian!#

The beautiful silver doe burst out of her wand, charging towards the dementor, which evaporated, an illusion. She continued her jog down the path.

Left right left left right left Hari was seriously loosing track.

Hari felt a shiver of magic, she must have stepped through an enchantment but nothing seemed different. Casting out her magic she found the source of the feeling, it was a silence spell, probably meant to be disconcerting but completely useless against her. She disbanded it to get rid of the shivers that magic always gave her.

She turned a corner and saw a body in the middle of the path. She ran forwards, it was Fleur and Hari quickly knelt, chucking for a pulse. It was there, but faint, Fleur was bleeding from a cut to the head. 

Hari sat still for a moment, did she had the right to forfeit the match for Fleur? But Fleur as very injured and could not continue. Deciding on her answer, Hari sent up red sparks, hoping that the teachers would find the unconscious girl and a minute later, Hagrid rounded the corner.

#)Hagrid! Thank goodness! She's hurt! I found her lying here. (#

Hagrid nodded, picking up Fleur, "I'll get her out, good luck Hari." And started off the opposite direction.

She took a left path and hit a dead end, a right, and hurried along the new path for a few minutes. She froze as she felt  pain flash as a shiver of magic from the path beside hers glanced across her magic. She sensed the unforgivable curse through the aching flash of pain. Hari panicked, unable to find a path into the next one over and blasted a hole in the hedge, following her tingling senses at a sprint. 

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