Can We Enjoy a Moment of Peace

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Techno and Wilbur started drifting from you after the fiasco during the festival.

Wilbur incredibly so, and you're not entirely sure why. Something about a button being missing? Someone betrayed him before? You couldn't say, you don't know him well enough.

He centered his conversations with Techno and Tommy, one of which started avoiding you as well. You can guess which one.

For the most part, it was you, Tubbo, Tommy, and occasionally Niki hanging around.

Niki seemed nice. You liked her. Seemed tired and worried a lot, but you weren't any better. She didn't live inside the base like the rest of you, but she visited to help around.

So after a few days of radio static and wary conversations of what Wilbur was planning to do, you were sitting at your nook. Tubbo was sitting across from you, humming some random tune and fiddling with a sheild. Tommy was somewhere in the ravine messing around. "Decorating" he calls it. Decorating before Wilbur gets back to stop him. Little gremlin.

All in all, everyone was doing their own odds and ends things.

So imagine your surprise when Tommy shouts from the other end of the ravine, racing down the stone and practically slamming his hands onto the table.


"Holy-" You barely started to speak when his yelling continued.


"What?" Tubbo asked, not at all phased with how loud Tommy was being.


Without warning Tommy turned around, shrugging up his shirt to show the little downy covered wings.

True to his word they looked bigger. Kinda. Definitely still small. And definitely funny to think about the fact that Tommy probably measured them daily to notice a two inch difference.

"Thats neat." You said, taking a sip of your tea to hide the your smile. He would throw a tantrum if he knew you found it amusing.

Tubbo didn't bother hiding his grin though, "Yeah man- that's pretty 'neat'."

Tommy scoffed, crossing his arms, "I think I can proudly say I'm going to outgrow you."

"Chicken." Tubbo chirped.

"Baby man-" Tommy all but shouted.

"Chicken wing."


Taking another slurp of your tea you grinned into your cup. These kids. So help you, they're gonna be the death of you. They're arguing was incredibly loud- (cough- Tommy- cough) but amusing all the same.

Tubbo held up a hand when Tommy started chanting baby man, "Wait wait wait- hold up- why are we fighting each other when we're clearly gonna outgrow (Y/N)?"

Tommy pursed his lips, slowly turning to look at you, innocently drinking your tea and trying your best to not look suspicious.

"You know- I would agree with you Tubbo, my pal- but (Y/N)'s a bloody hybrid too." He held a hand on his chin, "Unless your already fully grown and you're just an average smuck?"

You huffed a laugh. Yeah, no. Tommy saw you die already. He knows somethings off about you. You aren't gonna bring that up though, and settle for, "I'm bigger then all of you. That's all your getting out of me."

"AAARRhgh- come on man- I want the gossip-" Tommy held his stiff hands up in the air.

"Am I missing something?" Tubbo chirped, looking between the two of you.

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