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Bakugou POV

   I decided to keep studying and try to become a hero. I'm not gonna let some stupid flower beat me, I pretend like nothings wrong but the feelings for Kirishima have worsen. I feel like I just wanna be around him all the time. Sometimes I just want him to hold me and it's so annoying. Other times I wanna do... other things with him. It's just been annoying and a pain in my ass.

   I get out of bed and get my uniform on and when I leave my dorm room I see Kirishima there waiting for me like always. We walk to the elevator and when it closes all of a sudden the closed space was to small but not small enough. I started coughing, I took out my paper towel and put it away before he can see the flowers. "Your still coughing?"

  "It doesn't matter," it's really annoying when you look up the hanahaki disease it also says stuff like. 'your soulmate rejected you,' I don't believe in soulmate but if that's true I'm fucked because that would mean he would literally be the only person I could truly fall for. 

   We walk to class and he's going on and on about stuff and I space out. We get to class and I go sit in my seat.

~Next week

   My parents come and visit me every day after school since they don't know when it will be my last. It's gotten worse, I freeze up when I'm around him. I no longer can train with him because if he falls on top of me I know I'm gonna lose it. I'm still studying but it's so much harder to concentrate when were in the same room. I've been more exhausted as well.

   I get up and I get my clothes on, I feel off. I grab my bag and walk out, Kirishima stopped me from walking. "Hey bro, I didn't know you liked flowers," I looked at my hand and he must of thought it was glued on by accident or something. I felt him touch a flower petal and I got angry to cover up my other emotions.

   "Don't fucking touch me-" I say but I started coughing and had to run to the bathroom.

   The next few days were like this at some point I couldn't hide the flowers and they hurt to cut off but I did so anyways. Sooner or later they grew to fast for me to do so, that's when the whispered started. I started wearing a scarf to class, then a mask, gloves.

   Class dozed on as always and after it Kirishima ran over to me. "The Bakusquad wants to hang out tonight, you should come?" I knew it wasn't a good idea.

   "If I say no are you gonna spam me with messages," he nods. "Fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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