chapter 8:his view

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Luciano's POV:

I rarely sleep,and when I do I have terrible nightmares that I wake up screaming from. Most nights I will go down by the pool or sit on the beach. I've picked up that niki doesn't sleep too much either and when she can't she will either go for a swim,sit in the hottub or sit on the lounge chair and listen to music. My bedroom looks straight out to the backyard so I see her when she goes out. I'll sometimes make an appearance but she goes out there to be alone and I understand personal space.

Over the last 2 months of knowing her I've realized things about her. The rage she carries with her is nothing i've ever seen before but i know with that rage is a darkness she'll never let anyone see. I don't let anyone see mine, something I'm scared of people seeing what I've been through,especially at the hands of my father. I have to call mom. I pick up my phone and I see that it's 3am and she's probably asleep.

Walking back to my bed I stare out the window to see her head towards the hot tub. She's incredibly beautiful there's no doubt about that, she's more than just a pretty face. She has an amazing sense of humor and not to mention she is very brave and strong. She's not afraid to stick up for herself and what she believes in,and that is what i truly admire about her.That doesn't stop me from wanting to protect her and put a bullet in the skull of any man who looks at her like she's nothing but an object. When i found out what Carter almost did to her i wanted to torture him until he was begging me to simply kill him. I've been put at ease knowing that she refuses to have anyone,let alone a man,stomp all over her but mostly she can protect herself and isn't afraid to kill someone. It's that darkness i find most intriguing about her,it's what I adore the most.


This morning I was called down to Dominicos office. "Luciano i need you to kill james we simply have no need for him,i want you to bring Nicoletta with you killing him will give her a sense of revenge before she gets her mother back" i nod "if you don't mind sir you never fully elaborated on as to why you need Mrs.Rivera back" Dominicos eyes look up from whatever he is working on "i'm going to kill her. After Nicolettas outburst when we first told her about James, what she said had some truth. I thought i loved Rose but i dont,i love the idea of my family being whole." he pauses for a moment and looks down at his paper for a moment "but my family has been whole this entire time,i don't need rose she's affected my daughter more than i ever thought and my sons have no positive emotion towards her. I wouldn't be bringing my family together i would tear them apart" he's holding back tears i should go "i'm gonna go work out,unless you still need to speak with me" he stares up at me "no you can go i'll see you at breakfast"

Walking up to my room I catch Hazel sneaking out of Vincenzo's room isn't her room in the other hallway next to nikis? She stares at me wide eyed and stops in her tracks she's wearing the shirt Vinchenzo had on "can i help you?" my voice is at a whisper so i don't wake anyone else "uhhh no" and she quickly walks past me without another word. I walk into Vincenzo's room "wanna explain why hazel is sneaking out of your room with your shirt at 6 in the mother fucking morning" this dickwad has a smirk on his face "we may or may not have something going on,i have no clue what it is but its something,and its good" what the actual fuck "your sister is gonna rip your head off for sleeping with her best friend" Vinchenzo walks over to his dresser and takes another shirt out "oh she just found and she doesn't have a problem with it" i raise my eyebrows at him putting he shirt on he walks back over to his bed "yea i know shocking"

"Well I'm gonna go back to my room,don't use her. She's not some convenient quicke" his face contorts with confusion "since when you care about hazel" turning around before I exit'' I don't,
I care about you. you sister would light you on fire" he laughs quietly and i exit


sitting down at the table stefano walks through the door "uhhhhh i'm gonna be in my room i'll come down in 15 if anyone asks i came home late and went to sleep" his voice is at a whisper. I nod and he rushes upstairs. He clearly spent the night at a strip club. he smells of perfume and weed with a touch of vodka, not to mention his shoes are on the wrong feet. idiot

everyone makes their way to the table,niki and hazel come down together as usual. She wears a lacy black shirt that could most definitely pass as a bra,and some black jeans. I've always wondered why she dresses the way she does. it's because she doesn't care who looks at her she knows she is hot. i'm not at all complaining but god i wanna rip that shirt off of her body and ruin it  i proceed to eat my food. my mother gave me morals when it came to women. She made sure I understood that no means no at a very young age and that women are not something made for my pleasure and my pleasure only.

"really niki you look like a stripper" she scoffs at Antonio "and is that an issue?" she's staring at him "yes you shouldn't present yourself like that" she raises her eyebrow at her brother "why? because i'm asking for it? Is it because your worried men will view me as nothing more than some toy they can use at their convenience? are u slut shaming me Antonio because this slut is capable of many things" she throws a knife at him and it hits the wall behind him "NIKI!" she sips her coffee "what,he provoked me" i'm quite shocked as to what she's done. He kinda deserved it though I stare at her with a smile I'm attempting to hold back and make eye contact. the anger from her face is now wiped off into a smile. I don't look away and neither does she. eventually I look away first because I've learned that in her eyes life is a competition and she never loses.

She shifts in her chair interesting. I've always had an affect on women though i'm not completely sure why or how but i know i'm some form of attractive. When me Vinchenzo Stefano and Antonio go to the strip club we make a bet on who's gonna get asked to have a dance the most,and of course it's always me. This dancer named 'tease' explained that there's something about me and how mysterious I am that the other girls want to know more. She told me that there's an allure about my presence that makes her so attracted to me.

I'd think i have the same effect on niki,but she has the same effect on men wow were a lot alike

this was a much shorter chapter but i'm working on the next few.

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