Wakko Writes Back

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Part 16: Wakko Writes Back

Wakko gulped and looked down at the paper. If he was going to write his siblings back, he might as well see how he should.

HELLOOOOOOOOO Wakko! It's me, Yakko. I'm awake now, a little weak, but awake. Dot's okay too. I don't know why I was out cold for about 2 days if I had to take a guess, the gas must have been stronger than before. I'm just happy Dot was alright during that weird debacle.

Me too. I'm glad you're okay now.

At the time I'm writing this, we're in the same cell we've been in for the past while. The bars have been much much MUCH more difficult to break for some reason.. Dot claimed it was because they didn't want us to escape, even though it's literally impossible to with all the overpowered guards roaming around.

Don't worry, My buddies and I will take care of them GOOD.

I noticed my khakis have less color than before, frankly, I don't know why. Maybe it was the gas? It's really hard to tell stuff in this confusing place.

I don't know why they're missing color either.. I remember Dot telling me about that.

We still haven't given up on you and quite frankly we never will. Don't feel rushed Wakko, all we need is to get out of here. We don't care how long it takes, as long as we do get out of here in the end.

I promise you will.

We love you Wak, and we wish you luck.

Love you guys too.

With love,

-Yakko and Dot Warner

Wakko stood there relieved that this time the letter hadn't cut off like the other 2 letters had. Yakko was awake, okay, conscious. So was Dot.

That's all that mattered.

Now, he needed to think of a way to write them back. They were probably wondering if these letters somehow weren't sent out to the right person, hence the first letter quoting 'if this letter doesn't get to Wakko', or maybe they were wondering if he was okay or not.

He was, and he'd let them know about it.

"Any of you guys got a piece of paper and a writing utensil I can use?" Wakko asked to the Lumas surrounding him.

"Oh, I can give you the paper!" Simone exclaimed.

"And I can give you a pencil we got." Preston chimed in.

Wakko beamed and stuck his tongue out.

This was it, he was going to contact his siblings after what felt like a decade.

Hey, being with someone you love all of your life and then being separated from them just like that does that.


Scratching his head with the eraser of the pencil Preston gave him, Wakko sat in the Terrace Dome wondering how he should start and begin describing his already crazy odyssey.

Hey guys! It's me, Wakko!

"No.." he mumbled to himself while erasing his writing.

Yakko! Dot! It's me!

"Nah, too sappy." he grumbled while again erasing his work.

He dropped his pencil and groaned. He didn't write many letters, how was he going to describe all that had happened so far?

"Hello Wakko, surprised to see you in here."

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