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I think I'm going to add Chapter related headers like these more. What do y'all think? :)


Grace Evans

I sit there looking at my phone. I was so confused right now.

What does that mean?

I try calling it again but it said it wasn't allowed ingoing calls. I try to text it but it didn't send.

I sit there confused trying to figure out what this actually was. Did they get the wrong number? Is someone fooling around with me?

I had no idea

We reach the next destination and check in.

I get to my room and freshen up a bit getting into my pj set before sitting cross legged on the bed searching the number on Google. The search didn't yield anything. I was highly confused about it. I keep my phone aside and lay down.

I felt something hard under the pillow and quickly flip it over and see a small black box. My heart started racing. What the hell is happening?

I immediately sit up feeling scared and confused.

It said 'G.I.E' on the top.

Gie? What?

I work my mind for a moment before my mouth got dry in realisation.

It was my name.

G.I.E as in Grace Isabelle Evans. So whoever it is, they know my name and also know that I'm staying here. And just the thought of it sent shudders down my body.

I drop the box on the bed. How did this get here? I was so scared to even touch it. I didn't wanna open it but at the same time I was curious.

I stare at it for sometime before reaching out to it.

I open it and see it's a flip phone and a small note.

'Grace Isabelle Evans. Nice to meet you again ;) '


A cold sensation runs down my spine.
What was happening? Who was this? I keep the note back and take the phone flipping it open to see a text from an unknown number.

'You should be scared'. It read.

I swallow the lump in my throat and flip it shut.

I didn't understand any of this. The whole anonymous thing was getting out of hands. At first that guy. Next that note. The phone call and now this. It didn't seem as a game anymore.

It seemed like a trap.

All of a sudden there's a loud knock that made me jump in my place. I quickly put the stuff under the pillows.

I put on a robe walking towards the door.

As I open I see it's Harry.

The next thing I know is that he's hugging me.

It's like the moment I opened the door he bursted in pulling me into his arms trapping my hands between our bodies.

I start pulling away from the hug when he resists by holding me tighter.

"Don't. Please." He says

"No! You can't just come back and hug me like nothing's happened. You don't get to do this!" I keep resisting

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