41. It's On All of Us

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As Andria got near the others, she saw everyone had stopped fighting and had sad expressions covering their features.

She sucked in a breath, as realisation hit her like a train and she stared at the ground, tearing up.

"How did this happen?" She broke the silence, trying to keep her voice steady and blinking back her tears.

"Vision tried to stop Sam from following Rhodey and Tony after the Quinjet, but the blast hit Rhodey's Arc Reactor instead. They didn't catch him in time," Wanda explained with a look of regret on her face.

Andria squeezed her eyes shut, feeling guilty and sad and angry at how things had ended up and sat on the cold hard ground, staying silent just like everyone else.

After a few minutes, Vision appeared along with Sam, both of whom had the same expression of regret.

"Is he alive?" Natasha asked immediately.
"Yes, but he's unconscious. We don't know whether there's something wrong or not. Tony's with him. Emergency medical is on its way," Sam said and sat down next to Andria, looking equally guilty and sad with the rest of them.

"This is all my fault," he whispered hiding his face in his hands.
"It's on all of us. We all did this. All of this!" Andria muttered, seeing all of the destruction around her.

She stared at all their faces and saw some had blood dripping from scratches on their foreheads, while others like Sam, Scott and Clint had a black eye.

Seeing their scratches and bruises made her finally realise that she herself had some blood dripping from a cut on her lower lip.

She instinctively licked the cut, but feeling a stinging pain, she hissed and stopped.

"At least the scratch on your head isn't bleeding again," Sam pointed out, noticing her movements and she scoffed.

"At least--" Andria started, but was cut off by the sound of choppers approaching.

She looked to the sky and saw about ten choppers about to land near them.

"Everything's going to be alright!" Sam said, as Andria sighed, knowing exactly what was to come.

"You think? Because in my experience it never really is," she said bluntly, the same time the choppers landed and soldiers from the Task Force exited with their guns pointed towards everyone that was on Steve's side.

Some came towards her and Sam, while the rest headed to Clint, Wanda and Scott's direction.

"Stand up!" They instructed and Andria with Sam did as told, raising their hands in defeat.

Three took Sam further away, just like the others had done with the rest of Steve's team, wanting to separate them from each other.

Andria had five of them pointing their guns at her, while she noticed Scott with three, Clint with four and Wanda with six. She bet Secretary Ross had instructed that they be more careful with Wanda and then with Andria as in his opinion they were the most dangerous.

"Put your hands on your head!" One of the five soldiers yelled at her and Andria did as told.

Two of them approached her still aiming at her and started taking all of her weapons away from her.

As one removed her whip from her hand and the other tossed towards another soldier her knives, guns, batons and her utility belt, Andria noticed with the corner of her eye a red and blue figure approaching cautiously.

As the two soldiers removed all her weapons and stopped searching her, the girl noticed Peter, who was wearing his mask again, looking around, kind of uncomfortable and not knowing what to do or where to go.

"Get on your knees!" The soldier closer to her yelled and Andria, who noticed Peter turning to her direction, pursed her lips, but did as told.

As she was kneeling, though, the soldier kicked the back of her knee, making her fall down completely and pressed his foot on her back, pushing her down and making her whimper in pain as her eyes watered.

"Hey! Stop it! Can't you see you're hurting her?" She heard the now familiar voice of Peter Parker, as he approached the soldiers a bit more confident than he looked before.

However, that didn't stop the second nearest to Andria soldier from handcuffing her tightly and pulling her to her feet the moment the other soldier took his foot off her.

"Stay back, kid! These are criminals!" One of the soldiers said to Peter, pointing at Andria and the others who were being arrested.

The boy stayed silent, but turned his head towards Andria, who feeling his gaze falling on her, gave back a blank look, before staring at the ground again, thinking about what the soldier had just said.

"Move!" The soldier, who had handcuffed her and was still holding her, instructed and she started walking towards a chopper.

She noticed that Clint, Sam, Scott and Wanda had been handcuffed as well and led towards different choppers, but as she was placed into the one she had been led to, her gaze fell on Rhodey who was being moved on a stretcher with Tony, who looked heartbroken, by his side.

As the chopper she was in took off, she took in the sight of Tony's team members staring back at their arrested opponents, but also friends, not knowing when or if they'd see each other ever again.

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