Chapter 8

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It was the day of my sisters birthday, I got up really early so I could rap her present. I left it in a room I knew she would never go in, I got her cake ready and put some candles in it I got the lighter and lit the candles.

I lifted the cake and started to walk up the stairs, I tried to open her door without dropping the cake, when I got it open I started to sing happy birthday.

When I finished singing she started to groan. "Chloe do you know what time it is?" She looked at me.

"Yes, it is 11:30." she jumped up and nearly made me drop the cake, "oh my word, watch it." she pushed me out the door. "ok I'll make a wish for you." she opened the door and blew the candles out and shut it on my face.

I walked down stairs and got her present and set it outside her door so when she opened her door she would see it.

Minutes later I heard her shout, "Oh my god, Chloe you didn't have to." I ran to the bottom of the stairs.

"I had help." I was about to walk away but she ran down the stairs and hugged me. "so are you sure you want to go to your friends house for your birthday."

"Yup I'm sure. I won't get arrested this time I'll make sure of it." she joked.

My phone vibrated and I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was Tom.

T- hey, I'm going to America for a month and I know that I have only known you for a few days but would you like to come.

Me- yeah sure I'll just get my friend to look after my sister.

T- great I'll pick you up on Thursday.

I set my phone down and started packing. "Lucy do you mind staying at auntie Alice for a month?"

"No, she can teach me how to play my bass!" I called Alice to see if it was ok and she was fine with it.

A Gamers Life (syndicate fan fiction) *BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now